Situated at the heart of the " polar vortex" sweeping across the United States, the small town of Hell in Michigan (population: c.200) has reportedly got so cold temperatures have plunged to as low as -13C, with a wind chill of -33C.
Bloomberg reporter Derek Wallbank tweeted: “It has literally frozen over.”
The town of Hell is not thought to take its name from the fiery pit of eternal torment, but possibly from the German word “hell”, meaning bright, the terrible conditions encountered by early explorers, or a flippant comment by a settler.
Several cities have come to a standstill across the Midwest and Northern Plains of the US, where the extreme cold, ice and snow has grounded thousands of flights and made travel almost impossible.
People are being urged to stay inside and protect themselves from the coldest temperatures for two decades.
Several people have died in the conditions, which can cause rapid hypothermia and frostbite.
Temperatures have been recorded as low as -35°C and Arctic winds are blowing with a deadly chill of -50°C.
Interesting that @limeygent used Fahrenheit for low temperatures. I assume, Limey, that Americans use Fahrenheit most of the time? I've often thought we're odd in Britain in that we officially use Celsius (on weather reports and the like) but many of us still use Fahrenheit to describe hot weather temperatures but not cold ones.
(Incidentally, if anyone's wondering, 3F is -16C and -15F is -26C)
10 = 50
When they start measuring in Kelvin then you are really cold
Although, at what point does it stop making a difference? I reckon anything below about minus thirty and you can't feel the difference (you can't bloody well feel anything!)
Humour me, I've been ill in bed all day and now I can't sleep and I'm bored.