Was banned from US television for years because of his strident opposition to the Vietnam war, only got back on when Johnny Cash insisted he appear on his show in the 70's.
I had no idea who Peter Seeger was until I read this thread. We used to sing Little Boxes at school and when I mention it to anyone these days they think I'm mental, not least my lass. I just thought everyone must have sung it growing up, it was clearly just Torridon Juniors
Pete Seeger was a legend of the folk revival of the 50s and 60s - not just traditional folksy stuff but a huge influence on singer-song writers and highlighting the atrocities of the US government of his day.
I had no idea who Peter Seeger was until I read this thread. We used to sing Little Boxes at school and when I mention it to anyone these days they think I'm mental, not least my lass. I just thought everyone must have sung it growing up, it was clearly just Torridon Juniors
no I used to sing it as well, not sure it was something we sang in school?