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  • its all very Holloway / Dowie-esque talk aimed at getting supporters onside. The 'signed' this three weeks ago, didn't stop them getting dicked 3-0 at home at the weekend.

    Actions speak louder than words
  • Ollie is a nutcase .. but at least he is never a boring nutcase .. 'His' squad are probably having a good laugh at this
  • Good to see a manager involved in contract talks.
  • Looks like the work of an 8 year old. Embarrassing.

    Whatever it was that used to work for him, it doesn't seem to work anymore.
  • MrLargo said:

    Whatever it was that used to work for him, it doesn't seem to work anymore.

    Don't think it ever particularly worked in the first place looking at his overall record.
  • I'm just happy that we have a manger who can motivate his team by example and personality, he doesn't need meaningless scraps of paper.
  • Don't think it ever particularly worked in the first place looking at his overall record.
    Make you right. Just looked him up on Wiki - couple of decent spells here and there, but he has a far better reputation than his achievements warrant.
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  • That is very Dowie-esque. Cringeworthy boring David Brent-style management. If you're a decent manager you shouldn't need to get your players to sign up to a contract promising to be punctual, respectful and hard working. It's like a primary school exercise.

    They should be handing them sheets round at the turnstiles, not at the training ground.
  • The sort of spin that the Millwall fans will buy into. Cunningly attempts to deflect any blame away from Holloway should it all go wrong.
  • I'm just happy that we have a manger who can motivate his team by example and personality, he doesn't need meaningless scraps of paper.

    Going well at the moment.
  • Meaningless; all the contract clauses in the world are no substitute for good management. Must doubt his own ability to provide proper leadership!
  • Holloway seems more bothered now how he comes across and his funny mad guy image.
  • Chris Powell's win ratio as a manager (without signing silly, pretend "contracts") 41.4%, 1 promotion, no relegations
    Ian Holloway's win ratio as a manager: 37.39% 3 promotions, 3 relegations
  • Surely these can't be legally binding?
  • "Never not try" is this an early April fool's joke?
  • edited February 2014
    "Passion". The most overused devalued word currently in use in the English language. On a written document it should be spelt: B...U...L...L...S...H...etc. I don't usually feel sorry for Millwall players, but I do now.
  • edited February 2014
    Never say never again never not try? Never say not never again never not try?
    Ben18 said:

    "Never not try" is this an early April fool's joke?

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  • Cringe. The players are basically being treated like Primary school kids trying to earn gold stars.

    “Listen, it is just where you start because when I came in on Monday I had a look at some figures that my sports scientists gave me and there’s too many in the red, too many in the yellow and you’ve all got to be in the green. That’s for body fats. "

    Basically calls them all fat.

    Worst part though: Enthusiasm is contagious, is yours worth catching?
  • edited February 2014
    off topic but Millwall related .. Liam Trotter (no relation to Del Boy & Rodney) has gone on loan from Millwall to Bolton .. nickname ? .. the Trotters hahahahah .... no income tax, no VAT
  • What is this - Summer Heights High? To think a football manager acts like anAustralian comedy.

    Only disappointing thing is that they're still higher in the league then us...
  • There are plenty of words on those contracts that won't mean a thing to spanners fans, not sure how he expects the players to feel the same.

    I prefer RD's approach - basic pay with high goal & win bonuses. I guess we'll see whose approach is more effective at the end of the season, since I reckon it's either us or them going down in May.
  • This is actually rubbish
  • I can imagine the face-pulling and hand signals behind his back. He forgot to add "we will not lose three-nil at home." Can't see Millwall fans being too supportive of all this airy-fairy stuff either.
  • Well, looks like Holloway is losing the plot far quicker than we'd dared to hope for....I mean how ridiculous can you get? I'd love to know what his chairman and board think of this latest brainwave of radical thinking...and particularly going to the press about it before running it past them....cos you can bet your life he didn't.
    And just look at it lol....who'd have thought he'd have such impressive `Word' skills.

    I'm assuming he's appointed himself the sole judge `n' jury to decide if/when any of the players fail in their duties. He says “Anyone who steps out of line you’ve already signed that, you’ve broke the contract, get out"

    ....quite a novel way of winning over the dressing room eh
  • He is turning into David Brent!
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