Some fans seem to refer to her as a high-flying international lawyer when in truth she was a stagiaire (posh speak for work experience kid) as recently as four years ago.
The bottom line here is that you cannot seriously advertise, short-list, interview, decide, appoint and then announce a football manager in 24 hours. It is ridiculous to say that you can. Therefore, KM has told us lies. Simple fact.
The bottom line here is that you cannot seriously advertise, short-list, interview, decide, appoint and then announce a football manager in 24 hours. It is ridiculous to say that you can. Therefore, KM has told us lies. Simple fact.
However we're supposed to believe that it all took place in less than 12 hours - between the Monday afternoon announcement of Peeter's departure and the “late evening [when] it became clear that Guy was the favourite”.
The bit I can't understand is the NEED to lie about there being a competitive recruitment process. The owner is entitled to appoint whoever he wants as manager without the need for us fans agreeing to the way he goes about it OR the appointment itself. He has shown us his contempt for our views in the way he runs our club as part of the 'network'. It is crazy to think that his 2nd rate teams around Europe have ready-made solutions to our problems........and now we are supposed to believe that Roland's old manager is also the perfect managerial appointment for CAFC. Ridiculous. However, I fear this is how it will be until RD either accepts his approach cannot be workable OR he sells us on. What other options are there to turn this ship around?
Roland is in charge of the club and has picked Luzon. Whether he does this the day after on a well prepared full back plan or a pretend process of an interview after a week, then Luzon is still going to be the head coach. As ill judged a football decision as this may be.
I have seen plenty of application processes where there is a preferred person for the job but for Equal Opportunities purposes / requirements a process is run. The outcome is clear beforehand but it goes ahead. Would that be any more palatable for Charlton supporters in this instance ?
The bit I can't understand is the NEED to lie about there being a competitive recruitment process. The owner is entitled to appoint whoever he wants as manager without the need for us fans agreeing to the way he goes about it OR the appointment itself. He has shown us his contempt for our views in the way he runs our club as part of the 'network'. It is crazy to think that his 2nd rate teams around Europe have ready-made solutions to our problems........and now we are supposed to believe that Roland's old manager is also the perfect managerial appointment for CAFC. Ridiculous. However, I fear this is how it will be until RD either accepts his approach cannot be workable OR he sells us on. What other options are there to turn this ship around?
I think the need to lie was more for the home office than us - but we were used in this deception as statement was aimed at us.
Just seen the video and it shows very little of what happened. More people ended up going over including a bloke who did go over the top. It went on for about fifteen minutes or so and only four minutes was shown in the video.
Just going by that video I would say that nothing happened, but it got a bit more heated than the video suggests.
The bit I can't understand is the NEED to lie about there being a competitive recruitment process. The owner is entitled to appoint whoever he wants as manager without the need for us fans agreeing to the way he goes about it OR the appointment itself. He has shown us his contempt for our views in the way he runs our club as part of the 'network'. It is crazy to think that his 2nd rate teams around Europe have ready-made solutions to our problems........and now we are supposed to believe that Roland's old manager is also the perfect managerial appointment for CAFC. Ridiculous. However, I fear this is how it will be until RD either accepts his approach cannot be workable OR he sells us on. What other options are there to turn this ship around?
The only plausible explanation I can think of (as I've posted before) is a perceived need to meet the requirements of a work permit for Luzon. Km is a corporate lawyer and would probably understand that there was at least a chance of him being refused a work permit if he was simply appointed without the appearance of some sort of 'selection' process taking place.
The whole head coach fiasco does show that Katrien Meire is just a name over the door, she has no real say in anything of import and is just a spokesperson to hand down the pearls of wisdom / tablets of stone / pronouncements from Roland. The club is clearly run from Belgium and Roland's office. Katrien passes on the message from Roland that Charlton supporters have to accept the way Roland is running things, however disastrously and incompetently that is done.
Roland failed to persuade the Belgium electorate that everyone should receive the minimum wage and that all taxation should be on goods, he also failed to persuade everyone to unify the Belgium and Dutch leagues.He is likely to fail in the network idea is going to change the way football is run.
I hope that Roland does not decide that he is happy to run the club as a League One entity with sales from an improved Academy to balance the costs. I hope not because Roland is currently funding a League One squad and strategy and that is unfortunately the direction the club is heading in. I question Roland's ambition and plans for the club.
Reality will dawn and Roland will have to eventually accept that the network idea is not working as hoped (particularly with the FFP going down). I hope that Roland, when he sells Charlton, sells to a decent owner, who can help step Charlton up to challenge for the Premiership.
By the way, having seen the video, I don't think the bald guy was over the top in what he said or how he said it. KM was ballsy enough to respond, which I give her credit for, but the words were never going to tell us anything more or anything meaningful. Football clubs don't work that way any more. I do have admiration for KM as I have seen her working her socks off a the Valley on several recent occasions. For example, she was on the pitch with the groundsman at a Valley Gold members visit, she was checking on the grounds, stand and catering at an evening corporate visit and generally is pretty involved with most of the 'customer experience' aspects of our football club. She attends all events that help promote and publicise the club to new business partners and does so in a very personable, professional way. It is for all these reasons that I have some sympathy for the position she put herself in on the train. I suspect this is a lesson learnt. I hope that she stays strong within the club and continues the good work she has been doing. I am sure we would be worse off without her.
The bottom line here is that you cannot seriously advertise, short-list, interview, decide, appoint and then announce a football manager in 24 hours. It is ridiculous to say that you can. Therefore, KM has told us lies. Simple fact.
We know NOW that this behaviour wasn't extreme, but whatever happened, and we only know a bit of it, Katrien was reportedly close to tears. Is that OK?
'Reportedly'. Initially it was reported that there were lots of charlton fans standing around her and abusing her. The only real evidence we have of that event is the video, and it is nothing like the initial reports suggested. It was that initial report that suggested she was close to tears too.
With all due respect you weren't on the train. Standing there you could clearly see that Katrien looked upset and yes she did look as if she had tears in her eyes. (I was standing a couple of feet away from her)
I never said that were people abusing her, someone did call them a bunch of Belgium c***s though.
It could have been a lot worse but standing there as it was happening, it seemed over the top.
Just to add, I know a lot of people do, including myself get tears in my eyes when I get into really passionate argument. If it appeared to you that she did have tears in her eyes, it may just have been out of the adrenalin of talking to this bloke not out of her feeling intimidated.
Absolutely, I've been stressed many times and your eyes can in fact glaze over. Tears in your eyes isn't only because you're about to cry.
Just seen the video and it shows very little of what happened. More people ended up going over including a bloke who did go over the top. It went on for about fifteen minutes or so and only four minutes was shown in the video.
Just going by that video I would say that nothing happened, but it got a bit more heated than the video suggests.
Oh dear.
I had hoped that the posted video was all there was to it, and understandable though everything is, it is shamefully sad that it developed the way you describe. Of course Katrien has been shoved forward to fight the fires, and she shows gumption in thinking that she is on top of the firefighting, in what appears to be a very lonely position. I think that she needs support, not hand holding, but the kind of loyal support in the job that she so clearly shows towards Roland. Obviously mistakes have been made, some fancy footwork has failed to convince, but even now those mistakes needn't be fatal, and rebuilding can happen, but at the moment it looks like CEO at Charlton is a very lonely place to be. I am hoping for reconciliation in partnership with some forensic analysis, conducted in a positive spirit, and common ground being identified. Move on is a term much bandied about on this site, but if ever there was a need to move on, it is from the place we all find ourselves in right now.
I've made my views clear about the 'improbability' of some of KM's public statements over the past week, but in travelling to and from today's game she is at work doing her job. For anyone to be shouted at and abused at work by a number of (possibly 'over refreshed') 'customers' amounts to bullying - whether it's a male or female transport employee who's just given an implausible excuse for yet another late train, a call centre operator handling complaints, or the nominal 'Chief Executive' of a football club after a 'car crash' of a manager change followed by a heavy defeat.
Some might say she was either foolish or brave to get the same train as most fans but whatever it's not right or acceptable for her to be abused in the way that appears to have happened.
Was she abused ? As far as I can tell from the 5 minute clip there was 1 supporter telling her that it was a disgrace etc etc & at no point did he abuse her.
By the way, having seen the video, I don't think the bald guy was over the top in what he said or how he said it. KM was ballsy enough to respond, which I give her credit for, but the words were never going to tell us anything more or anything meaningful. Football clubs don't work that way any more. I do have admiration for KM as I have seen her working her socks off a the Valley on several recent occasions. For example, she was on the pitch with the groundsman at a Valley Gold members visit, she was checking on the grounds, stand and catering at an evening corporate visit and generally is pretty involved with most of the 'customer experience' aspects of our football club. She attends all events that help promote and publicise the club to new business partners and does so in a very personable, professional way. It is for all these reasons that I have some sympathy for the position she put herself in on the train. I suspect this is a lesson learnt. I hope that she stays strong within the club and continues the good work she has been doing. I am sure we would be worse off without her.
A good general / branch manager and a likeable and intelligent person but not a Chief Executive with any autonomy or influence. Katrien Meire will never say or be able to say publicly that she disagrees even mildly with any of Roland's strategy or decisions. KM will always be Roland's representative and a Network employee first and foremost. This undermines her standing and integrity and in how seriously she is perceived. Not being able to acknowledge the reality of Roland's decision or that some mistakes are being made or not addressed does not help at all. Hence the difficult position that she has placed herself in trying to spin the non interview proceedings.
Just seen the video and it shows very little of what happened. More people ended up going over including a bloke who did go over the top. It went on for about fifteen minutes or so and only four minutes was shown in the video.
Just going by that video I would say that nothing happened, but it got a bit more heated than the video suggests.
And that is the danger with these sort of things. People think they have seen everything and castigate or champion others without knowing the full story.
I've made my views clear about the 'improbability' of some of KM's public statements over the past week, but in travelling to and from today's game she is at work doing her job. For anyone to be shouted at and abused at work by a number of (possibly 'over refreshed') 'customers' amounts to bullying - whether it's a male or female transport employee who's just given an implausible excuse for yet another late train, a call centre operator handling complaints, or the nominal 'Chief Executive' of a football club after a 'car crash' of a manager change followed by a heavy defeat.
Some might say she was either foolish or brave to get the same train as most fans but whatever it's not right or acceptable for her to be abused in the way that appears to have happened.
Was she abused ? As far as I can tell from the 5 minute clip there was 1 supporter telling her that it was a disgrace etc etc & at no point did he abuse her.
You're a bit behind the curve. I sent the post you quote yesterday evening on the basis of a report by 'covered end junior' that "To be honest she looked close to tears but she was shouting back at people". That was before the 'video' was posted plus you may have noticed that I say "it's not right or acceptable for her to be abused in the way that appears to have happened".
However, the same 'covered end junior' has just posted the following (24 minutes before your post to me):
covered end junior Member 5:19PM Just seen the video and it shows very little of what happened. More people ended up going over including a bloke who did go over the top. It went on for about fifteen minutes or so and only four minutes was shown in the video.
Just going by that video I would say that nothing happened, but it got a bit more heated than the video suggests.
So the answer to your question "Was she abused ?" would seem to be probably yes.
It might help to read through threads before posting
Absolutely nothing wrong at all with what was said on that video
Clearly there's more to it than that 5 min clip, feel sorry for her with the position she's been placed in, but then she is CEO of a multi million pound company so has to expect some flak when all is not well
I wonder how Roland feels about the alleged 'abuse' his CEO experienced yesterday. Could there be some form of backlash or repercussion? The next few days may be interesting.
Not been following this thread until the news of the incident on the train broke and the release of the video. I have just browsed through the thread to see if I could see for myself evidence of the blatant lying she has been accused of and maybe understand why some on here, and the drunk on the train, are so apoplectic about it.
My understanding, and I may be wrong here, is that Charlton did not formally advertise the role. As is normal in these circumstances the club were contacted by the agents of managers looking for a new role. Some managers indicated interest via the media. In many cases I would suspect the agents were able to contact her directly by phone or e.mail. Clearly she had a list of 20 unsolicited indications of interest in the job all received within a day or two of the sacking. Are people on here saying that Charlton were obliged to interview every unsolicited application for the job?
Meanwhile, back in Belgium, RD, who probably had no intention of advertising the job, was considering his options and taking advice from his football advisers (and I sincerely don't think that Katrien considers herself one of the people that RD would consult on matters relating to the purely football side of the business). He came to the decision to go with the new guy and Katrien was informed.
This is a lot of guess work on my part but I just cannot, from what I have read on this thread, see any justification for the lying accusations that have been levelled at her.
I don't feel sorry for her as she is probably earning a nice few quid BUT I do admire her in a way for even travelling on public transport! The lady must have known she would be "greeted" by a lot of unhappy disgruntled (rightly so) Charlton fans. She is also only doing her job, she might disagree with Mr Duchatalet but as we all know he is the guvnor like it or not, and all the time he remains in charge of OUR great club there is pretty much naff all we (or KM) can do about it. All we can do is "hope" that Mr Duchatalet realizes how strongly we all feel, and how the players feel about what is going on and act accordingly? It wasn't very long ago that people on here were talking about play offs, premier league ect so It wont (hopefully?) take much too get us back playing some decent football again. I will continue to support the club I love regerdless.
However we're supposed to believe that it all took place in less than 12 hours - between the Monday afternoon announcement of Peeter's departure and the “late evening [when] it became clear that Guy was the favourite”.
I have seen plenty of application processes where there is a preferred person for the job but for Equal Opportunities purposes / requirements a process is run. The outcome is clear beforehand but it goes ahead. Would that be any more palatable for Charlton supporters in this instance ?
Just going by that video I would say that nothing happened, but it got a bit more heated than the video suggests.
Roland failed to persuade the Belgium electorate that everyone should receive the minimum wage and that all taxation should be on goods, he also failed to persuade everyone to unify the Belgium and Dutch leagues.He is likely to fail in the network idea is going to change the way football is run.
I hope that Roland does not decide that he is happy to run the club as a League One entity with sales from an improved Academy to balance the costs. I hope not because Roland is currently funding a League One squad and strategy and that is unfortunately the direction the club is heading in. I question Roland's ambition and plans for the club.
Reality will dawn and Roland will have to eventually accept that the network idea is not working as hoped (particularly with the FFP going down). I hope that Roland, when he sells Charlton, sells to a decent owner, who can help step Charlton up to challenge for the Premiership.
I had hoped that the posted video was all there was to it, and understandable though everything is, it is shamefully sad that it developed the way you describe.
Of course Katrien has been shoved forward to fight the fires, and she shows gumption in thinking that she is on top of the firefighting, in what appears to be a very lonely position.
I think that she needs support, not hand holding, but the kind of loyal support in the job that she so clearly shows towards Roland. Obviously mistakes have been made, some fancy footwork has failed to convince, but even now those mistakes needn't be fatal, and rebuilding can happen, but at the moment it looks like CEO at Charlton is a very lonely place to be.
I am hoping for reconciliation in partnership with some forensic analysis, conducted in a positive spirit, and common ground being identified.
Move on is a term much bandied about on this site, but if ever there was a need to move on, it is from the place we all find ourselves in right now.
Be careful what you wish for.
Was she abused ? As far as I can tell from the 5 minute clip there was 1 supporter telling her that it was a disgrace etc etc & at no point did he abuse her.
You're a bit behind the curve. I sent the post you quote yesterday evening on the basis of a report by 'covered end junior' that "To be honest she looked close to tears but she was shouting back at people". That was before the 'video' was posted plus you may have noticed that I say "it's not right or acceptable for her to be abused in the way that appears to have happened".
However, the same 'covered end junior' has just posted the following (24 minutes before your post to me):
covered end junior Member
Just seen the video and it shows very little of what happened. More people ended up going over including a bloke who did go over the top. It went on for about fifteen minutes or so and only four minutes was shown in the video.
Just going by that video I would say that nothing happened, but it got a bit more heated than the video suggests.
So the answer to your question "Was she abused ?" would seem to be probably yes.
It might help to read through threads before posting
"Avoid employing unlucky managers by throwing half the cvs in the bin without looking at them"
Clearly there's more to it than that 5 min clip, feel sorry for her with the position she's been placed in, but then she is CEO of a multi million pound company so has to expect some flak when all is not well
Haven't we had enough embarrassment this week?
My understanding, and I may be wrong here, is that Charlton did not formally advertise the role. As is normal in these circumstances the club were contacted by the agents of managers looking for a new role. Some managers indicated interest via the media. In many cases I would suspect the agents were able to contact her directly by phone or e.mail. Clearly she had a list of 20 unsolicited indications of interest in the job all received within a day or two of the sacking. Are people on here saying that Charlton were obliged to interview every unsolicited application for the job?
Meanwhile, back in Belgium, RD, who probably had no intention of advertising the job, was considering his options and taking advice from his football advisers (and I sincerely don't think that Katrien considers herself one of the people that RD would consult on matters relating to the purely football side of the business). He came to the decision to go with the new guy and Katrien was informed.
This is a lot of guess work on my part but I just cannot, from what I have read on this thread, see any justification for the lying accusations that have been levelled at her.
It wasn't very long ago that people on here were talking about play offs, premier league ect so It wont (hopefully?) take much too get us back playing some decent football again. I will continue to support the club I love regerdless.