Powell isn't playing Rolands players either, can't see that going down well. Powells asks for players, Roland gives him players, Powell then doesn't play them.
Mental really.
Haha yeh that's what happened. Powell did not ask for the players who were brought it, and if he doesn't rate them he shouldn't play them. The reality is that three of them have started today, so your post is pretty irrelevant.
Powell isn't playing Rolands players either, can't see that going down well. Powells asks for players, Roland gives him players, Powell then doesn't play them.
Mental really.
You mean like Thuram, Reza and Astrit who all started?
Ripped the heart out the team by selling Kerrmo, the rest of the season is just a death thrash without him. This is the shithouse that Rolamd built. Three of his players started today, predictably crap.
Ripped the heart out the team by selling Kerrmo, the rest of the season is just a death thrash without him. This is the shithouse that Rolamd built. Three of his players started today, predictably crap.
Goal kick, Lee on it, pressure from Cousins who apparently fouled him. Parzyszek to come on for Ghoochannejhad...? Green on it, to Ghoochannejhad, Poyet halfway looks for movement, Wilson RH side, down the line for Ghoochanenjhad, intercepted and Morrison there. Has time, finds Wood, edge of the D, in their half, we need something, forward to Green, out for a throw level with the edge of the box. Poyet to come off - really well played mate.
Ball on it, Green for Cousins, Ghoochanenjhad can't get there, Cousins looks up, Evina there but no Wood behind him, Evina picks up the loose one as Burke was close. Throw to Church, Parzyszek to win it no but Caddis forward to Lovenkrands, Adeyemi but Wood to Thuram... Hits up - Adeyemi handball? No, morrison chips on, they have, long forward and Thuram controls. Right foot and long to Parzyszek and can't they get there, Burke on it, vs Evina, Evina gets there and off his shin for our throw.
throw taken.....green...wilson....cousins....wood..........evina.....church....PP....tackled....they push forward.....wood to Thurum sends it long......morrow......Thurum again.....PP is tackled.....evina tackles and wins a throw
Parzyszek to win it, throw now, Brum over halfway, Evina on it and right-foot in the box, Morrison from Burke and Evina up halfway, Ghoochannejhad can't get there, Cousins now, Green, Parzyszek wins a free kick halfway in their half. Robinson to be booked.
Wilson throw, Ghoochanenjhdad turns his man bout wrestles off it and it's theirs. He's had a hard afternoon to be honest. Three minutes in which to rescue something. Yeah, ... nah, it won't happen. Randolph up there, Morrison heads on, Prazyszek to win it, Green, Robinson clears, Wood to Green who chases, Parzyszek over his head, drops for Ghoochannjhad but out for a goal kick...
hudds 1-0 latics
Story of our season.