My daughter is in her first year of A'Levels and is looking for a one week work placement preferably in a museum for 7th to 11th july.
She has written to numerous organizations and not got anywhere. Panic mode is kicking in. The school have given her two weeks to find a place. Melanie is based in abbey wood and take any placement.
Any help would be appreciated.
Interesting for her to be in on the ground floor of a project too if museums are what interest her.
For background, I found this BoE pdf which gives lots of helpful advice about filling in application forms.
Two things that interested me were that the BoE gets 50 graduate applications for each position and they seemed to find it necessary to advise to get a new email address if your existing one is porn star related!
I was however somewhat disappointed to see the BoE put an erroneous apostrophe in "Dos and Don'ts"! And spelt "application form" "application from", then suggest you proof read your application. Oh dear....
Don't think we're at the stage to offer work experience but do have two advisors one at Westminster and the other at Greenwich archives.
Too late I know.