This year for me has been one hell of a rollercoaster, on and off the field!
On the 12th of Febuary 2014, My son was born weighing a modest 6lb 7oz after 60 hours of active labour ( poor girl ), so unfortunatly he doesn't pass the Charlton Life height test but I love him all the same. This also comes with the great pride and feeling of me knowing he will grow up to be 'proper' Charlton and we will always have something to bond over in the years to come, from every emotion to the fun times and also the depressing, with it being Charlton mostly the latter of the two.
Moving on next month is also a major mile stone in my life as on the 12th of March I will be turning 21, although in relative terms to some of you on here I am still a baby and you may envy my age

. But all the same I feel I have had a major reality check in not only recently becoming a Dad but realising I am no longer a child in anyones eyes! Scary thought eh?
While I don't want to bore you with my current life affairs Life could not be better for me and I thought I would share this with my fellow Lifers, as we haven't had much to celebrate lately ( execept the last gasp winner at ).
With all of this I feel like my luck couldn't be better and I strongly believe we as a club can finish on a high and even maybe, just maybe we can throw in a trip to Wembley while we are at it. After all life of being a Charlton fan is never an easy one with every season being different from the other, but i personally would not have it any other way, I have been 'Addickted' from 5 and that will never Change ( fingers cross the same can be said for my son further along the line ). I really do think from now is our time so lets get behind the boys and smash the pigs in sheffield!!
Thank you for reading my small post about my current affairs I hope it made some smile, my apologies if my grammer or spelling isn't up to scratch! I will see you all Monday and every game after!
p.s we name him Caiden James Marsh
Glory hunter.
You started going in the prem years and if he starts going when he is 4 or 5 he will to.