Plane crashes Media goes bonkers because the wreckage isn't found immediately People with too much time on their hands and no understanding of how difficult it is to find something relatively tiny in a fucking great big sea with no real idea of where to start looking want to try and turn it into 'LOST - The Return' Spooky bollocks about phones 'ringing out' fed to sheep by media Conspiracy nut jobs with ridiculous theories abound
Conclusion - plane crashed, no-one knows where it is.
Plane crashes Media goes bonkers because the wreckage isn't found immediately People with too much time on their hands and no understanding of how difficult it is to find something relatively tiny in a fucking great big sea with no real idea of where to start looking want to try and turn it into 'LOST - The Return' Spooky bollocks about phones 'ringing out' fed to sheep by media Conspiracy nut jobs with ridiculous theories abound
Conclusion - plane crashed, no-one knows where it is.
Sound about right?
But how did polar bears get on the island in the first place?
Plane crashes Media goes bonkers because the wreckage isn't found immediately People with too much time on their hands and no understanding of how difficult it is to find something relatively tiny in a fucking great big sea with no real idea of where to start looking want to try and turn it into 'LOST - The Return' Spooky bollocks about phones 'ringing out' fed to sheep by media Conspiracy nut jobs with ridiculous theories abound
Conclusion - plane crashed, no-one knows where it is.
Sound about right?
I think that covers it.
Although - this is nothing to do with the crash per se - someone on that pilots forum made the excellent observation that many countries - especially China - will be using the 'search and rescue' exercise to do a whole lot of snooping around in what is a highly contested part of the world.
Very strange. All planes this size have a Transponder which emits at 1090 Mhz. There are more than enough plane geeks around the globe that could have been tracking this flight. Amazed that it's disappeared. Or is there a dark side ?
Very strange. All planes this size have a Transponder which emits at 1090 Mhz. There are more than enough plane geeks around the globe that could have been tracking this flight. Amazed that it's disappeared. Or is there a dark side ?
You can turn the transponder off - BUT the plane could still be picked up by radar as long as it is within range.
Planes can and do go out of radar range quite often over oceanic areas so are basically off-grid.
Indeed, but if it turned around (as is thought when (maybe) tracked my Malay military radar) then it should have flown over the northern part of Sumatra. We have not heard anything from Indonesia about a radar track at that time. If it did not turn around, it could have flown on over Cambodia, Vietnam, or the Philippines (realistically), yet Vietnam has said that they never got a radar track on it at any point.
I heard this morning that one passengers Facebook page has been updated since the weekend, but that just has to be a spoof...
The White House are now talking about extending the search area to the Indian Ocean!!! If it wasn't such a terrible tragedy it would be comic.
If that plane flew BACK across Malaysia and crashed into the Indian Ocean and the Malaysian authorities did not pick it up then that is going to be seriously humiliating for them.
They may, of course, already be aware of this and are trying to play for time.
If it had continued flying 1k miles with no radar able to track it, surely they should be looking at any local geographical zone in which radar is incapable of tracking within that radius or not rule out the plane travelling vertical, possibly out of our atmosphere, rather than on a gradient horizontal trajectory.... This would however suggest ET involvement, which sounds totally mental, but this could explain why phones were still operable (tech rather than 'Phone Home play'). Whatever happened, RIP people, life can be very unfair.
Flying vertical out of our atmosphere ? Not possible. Not enough speed for exit velocity and jet engines get their power from the air which diminishes as you go higher. Even if it did fly vertically straight up it would at some point just fall back to earth.
Mid-air where is the wreckage ?...... (USA can monitor all high temperature explosions on earth) Collision with military aircraft or where is the wreckage ?........ (ditto)
Deliberate pilot where is the plane ?
This is turning out to be a very peculiar story, as it appears that this was a very carefully planned operation, with transponders etc being switched off deliberately at specific moments pointing to considerable understanding of how to evade detection. Except that they did not interrupt some links with manufacturers who track their engines etc. It must be awful for those relatives. If whoever responsible for this are planning to use this plane for a terrorist attack, then storing and refuelling a jet airliner and then taking off undetected to a city destination is going to be a shade tricky.
Some of you watch too much X-Files. The plane either blew up or was taken off course and then crashed. What I find truly fascinating is how whenever something like this happens, people all of a sudden become experts in radar, mobile phone technology, cartography and search & rescue.
Edit - that's not a dig at anyone on here, more a general comment about how 24 hour news bullshit and the internet has bred a generation of know-alls who actually 'know' fuck all.
Caught a snippet of that Channel 5 "special" last night before walking out in disgust to find something else to do. My daughter and her fella still looking on of course.
Presenter and four "experts", one an ex pilot (handle bar tache the lot) saying "yes, you would get an adrenalin hit and the training takes over...", really!!!!! The next expert a councilor saying "all the relatives would be in deep shock...", really!!!!
Caught a snippet of that Channel 5 "special" last night before walking out in disgust to find something else to do. My daughter and her fella still looking on of course.
Presenter and four "experts", one an ex pilot (handle bar tache the lot) saying "yes, you would get an adrenalin hit and the training takes over...", really!!!!! The next expert a councilor saying "all the relatives would be in deep shock...", really!!!!
Some of you watch too much X-Files. The plane either blew up or was taken off course and then crashed. What I find truly fascinating is how whenever something like this happens, people all of a sudden become experts in radar, mobile phone technology, cartography and search & rescue.
Edit - that's not a dig at anyone on here, more a general comment about how 24 hour news bullshit and the internet has bred a generation of know-alls who actually 'know' fuck all.
The most amazing thing has been the amount of manufactured stories by the media - "A leading US terrorism expert says....." Etc.
This has not been helped by the Malaysians not taking a clear line and putting mixed stuff out themselves.
The whole handling of the media side has been awful.
Plane crashes
Media goes bonkers because the wreckage isn't found immediately
People with too much time on their hands and no understanding of how difficult it is to find something relatively tiny in a fucking great big sea with no real idea of where to start looking want to try and turn it into 'LOST - The Return'
Spooky bollocks about phones 'ringing out' fed to sheep by media
Conspiracy nut jobs with ridiculous theories abound
Conclusion - plane crashed, no-one knows where it is.
Sound about right?
Oh wait - that was explained
Although - this is nothing to do with the crash per se - someone on that pilots forum made the excellent observation that many countries - especially China - will be using the 'search and rescue' exercise to do a whole lot of snooping around in what is a highly contested part of the world.
I'm going with the theory that this is like the Helios flight where everyone became incapacitated and the plane flew on until it run out of fuel.
Quite clearly this plane is nowhere near Malaysia where they've been searching and no one seems to have a clue as to where it is.
Planes can and do go out of radar range quite often over oceanic areas so are basically off-grid.
I heard this morning that one passengers Facebook page has been updated since the weekend, but that just has to be a spoof...
Stranger and stranger...
They may, of course, already be aware of this and are trying to play for time.
It is believed the plane was sending automated signals to a satellite system long after radar contact was lost.
This would mean the jet could have flown more than 1,600km (1,000 miles) beyond its last confirmed position.
The plot thickens.........
Mid-air where is the wreckage ?...... (USA can monitor all high temperature explosions on earth)
Collision with military aircraft or where is the wreckage ?........ (ditto)
Deliberate pilot where is the plane ?
Except that they did not interrupt some links with manufacturers who track their engines etc.
It must be awful for those relatives. If whoever responsible for this are planning to use this plane for a terrorist attack, then storing and refuelling a jet airliner and then taking off undetected to a city destination is going to be a shade tricky.
Edit - that's not a dig at anyone on here, more a general comment about how 24 hour news bullshit and the internet has bred a generation of know-alls who actually 'know' fuck all.
Presenter and four "experts", one an ex pilot (handle bar tache the lot) saying "yes, you would get an adrenalin hit and the training takes over...", really!!!!! The next expert a councilor saying "all the relatives would be in deep shock...", really!!!!
I mean come on!
This has not been helped by the Malaysians not taking a clear line and putting mixed stuff out themselves.
The whole handling of the media side has been awful.