It's hardly a surprise. The money had to run out at some time. As much as i liked Oasis at the time i'm buggered if i'm going to buy a ticket to help finance two spoilt little brats.
Call me a philistine but as soon as they split up you knew it was so they could re-form. Oldest trick in the book when things are slowing down. How many 'classic' bands have had a reunion now?
finally the S! had me worried. I'm thinking with the glasto resale this Sunday and one headliner still to be announced it is too big of a coincidence... oh well i shall be seeing them either way! Ecstatic with this news!
It would be just like Liam to be on a wind up though! Have to say though I would love the chance to relive my teenage years if they did a few dates. Would hope they would load up on definitely maybe and not the newer stuff though.
Call me a philistine but as soon as they split up you knew it was so they could re-form. Oldest trick in the book when things are slowing down. How many 'classic' bands have had a reunion now?
I thought that at the time too. I had seen their last stadium performance at Wembley then accidentally booked V Festival for Staffordshire, which I think was there last performance in general - as they didn't perform in Essex and broke up very soon after in Paris.
I remember thinking what a shitty way it was to treat fans who had travelled and spent some pretty hefty dosh to see them - when let's be honest, it was most likely just to enable them to cash in on their individual names for a couple of years. The newer stuff wasn't as good anyway.
It'll be the 5 year anniversary of the split - so perfect timing. And despite what I've said, I'd still jump at tickets... As stupid as that makes me!
Call me a philistine but as soon as they split up you knew it was so they could re-form. Oldest trick in the book when things are slowing down. How many 'classic' bands have had a reunion now?
I thought that at the time too. I had seen their last stadium performance at Wembley then accidentally booked V Festival for Staffordshire, which I think was there last performance in general - as they didn't perform in Essex and broke up very soon after in Paris.
I remember thinking what a shitty way it was to treat fans who had travelled and spent some pretty hefty dosh to see them - when let's be honest, it was most likely just to enable them to cash in on their individual names for a couple of years. The newer stuff wasn't as good anyway.
It'll be the 5 year anniversary of the split - so perfect timing. And despite what I've said, I'd still jump at tickets... As stupid as that makes me!
Hmmm perhaps, but it wasn't drying up was it, they were still selling out every tour date at the time.
A 5 year break was maybe required, I understand that. Trying to keep it fresh.
Hope it happens as long as its genuine and not to pay tax bills
Seems like a wind up.
Yes please
The money had to run out at some time. As much as i liked Oasis at the time i'm buggered if i'm going to buy a ticket to help finance two spoilt little brats.
Oldest trick in the book when things are slowing down. How many 'classic' bands have had a reunion now?
Is he really gana be that much of a wind up?
Hope it's true but funny how NG is in the middle of releasing another solo album. Strange timing for oasis return.
I remember thinking what a shitty way it was to treat fans who had travelled and spent some pretty hefty dosh to see them - when let's be honest, it was most likely just to enable them to cash in on their individual names for a couple of years. The newer stuff wasn't as good anyway.
It'll be the 5 year anniversary of the split - so perfect timing. And despite what I've said, I'd still jump at tickets... As stupid as that makes me!
A 5 year break was maybe required, I understand that. Trying to keep it fresh.
Sibling rivalry is a funny thing though.