Birmingham complete the great escape. 2 down after 80 minutes, but they managed to claw it back. Poor old Doncaster, you have to feel very sorry for them.
This is it. We win 3-0 calum hat trick. last match thread of the season...sadly, I will personally count the days until the first pre season friendly. Well dome Red my friend. Another journey for us. Lets sail again come next August.
Well done Seth, see you in pre-season and thank you my friend
What a cracking end to the season for us. 51 points & 7 points clear of relegation. Congratulations to JR & his whole team. We have been reborn & I can't wait for next season now.
possession.......55 - 45
shots on.......... 4 - 4
shots off......... 5 - 16
corners........... 1 - 4
GOALS............. 3 - 0
Including us.
Respect to those players who pulled a rabbit from the hat, when they may have just given up.
Over to the post-match/post-season thread!