Dear All,
I know many of you have been that extra mile in recent times, especially where this poxy government is concerned, but...
We've started a 'Crowdfunder' project to help with costs towards taking 'One Georgie Orwell' to New York for one week in October. We're not being paid and will shell out for everything, which we'll do...but we'd really appreciate a little help from our friends (and family) . The idea with Crowdfunder is to donate as a supporter or pledge cash for a "reward". They include a professional audio cd of the show.
We've got 35 days (34 now) to make £2,000, which would tale off some of the financial pressure involved. The Americans need lessons Orwellian as much as we do!
Below is the Crowdfunder link and the link to our website with its supporters' tag. "His name was Eric Blair/but the likeness stops right there".
Much love,
PC x