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Bernie Ecclestone and German Law

On trial for bribery, Bernie is apparently able to exploit a loophole to "buy out" the case for £60 million on the basis (put simply) that it's all too much hassle. If accepted he would be found neither guilty nor innocent. It just all goes away. Now I have no idea and care even less whether Bernie is guilty or innocent, but isn't there a delicious irony in being able to buy off a bribery trial. You couldn't make it up.


  • The ultimate 'rich man's charter' ...
  • I am pretty sure that it would be more or less the definition of irony. If only the Germans had a sense of humour they might understand it.
  • Only in this country! Oh... hang on...
  • There's a reason why they are an industrial power house you know, they are "doers" and tend not to "faff about"

    Agree about the irony though.
  • Hang on... So he's on trial for Bribary yet is offering £60m to be cleared?

    Shouldnt the Germans just go... thank you Bernie you've just confirmed your guilty!!
  • He fails the height test...
  • Drop in the ocean for him.
  • Blucher said:

    The ultimate 'rich man's charter' ...

    It's a legal step open to anyone, not just to 'rich' people.
  • Don't do it Bernie, it's sounds like entrapment!
  • Blucher said:

    The ultimate 'rich man's charter' ...

    It's a legal step open to anyone, not just to 'rich' people.
    Might be open to you but personally I wouldnt have £60m lying about. It is, as Sillybilly said, somewhat ironic.
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  • Blucher said:

    The ultimate 'rich man's charter' ...

    It's a legal step open to anyone, not just to 'rich' people.
    Might be open to you but personally I wouldnt have £60m lying about. It is, as Sillybilly said, somewhat ironic.
    I think that was a joke too...
  • Fookin ridiculous. He shells out £60M and says he's not guilty.
  • Fookin ridiculous. He shells out £60M and says he's not guilty.

    If he gives me £60M, I'll say he's not guilty too!! In the meantime...

    ...I'll say nothing at all as he obviously has decent expensive lawyers!!
  • I always knew he'd come good.
  • This kind of shit makes me sick.
  • If you made this story up, everybody would say you were being stupid.
  • Blucher said:

    The ultimate 'rich man's charter' ...

    It's a legal step open to anyone, not just to 'rich' people.
    Might be open to you but personally I wouldnt have £60m lying about. It is, as Sillybilly said, somewhat ironic.
    True, but then we are not likely to be charged with bribery to the same tune as Bernie, are we?
  • Apparently it's a law in the state of Bavaria (where he was charged/on trial) - not sure it applies to the whole of Germany
  • This is even more ridiculous than outrageously rich football clubs being punished for overspending by having to pay a fine.
  • Fookin ridiculous. He shells out £60M and says he's not guilty.

    Not technically true from what I understand. Apparently he is neither guilty nor not guilty, the case just isn't going to be pursued any further.

    I guess it just means that anyone saying he IS guilty cannot be sued for slander?
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  • That's a lot of money for an 'innocent' man to fork out.
  • The court apparently saying that "The court did not consider a conviction overwhelmingly likely from the present point of view.". So if it looks like you're unlikely to get convicted, why would an innocent man offer to shell out £60m to end the trial. Whole thing stinks.
  • Anyone who has read Bernie's biography should never be allowed on the jury.
  • Anyone who has read Bernie's biography should never be allowed on the jury.

    Haven't read it, but I assume there wouldn't be a soul who wouldn't convict him.

    That said, I know a lot of people in the legal & accounting sector who were convinced that 'Arry Redknapp was guilty as wrong clever people can be hey!
  • Bernie Ecclestone pleads guilty to fraud
  • If you are going to commit fraud and want to avoid the law, make it a big number. The 92 year old has strung this out for years but is now fed up  paying huge bills for advice and would rather pay an even larger sum to draw a line under it all. I have a tendency to believe he thought he wouldn't out live the investigations.
    Amazing fact, super wealthy people tend to have little or no understanding of their own finances but  manage to amass vast fortunes while squirreling away all over the worlds tax havens, whereas most of us plebs know to the penny where our money is and what our responsibilities are.
  • Odious little man. I remember him saying during that barmy Briatore period at QPR  with Briatore that “I usually leave at half time, as you can see how things are going to turn out.”
  • Local boy. Lived in Bexleyheath as a kid - Pickford Close and Danson Road. 
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