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Nitrous oxide

edited August 2014 in Not Sports Related
It just sounds strange to me that Council's want to crack down on laughing gas. I'm sure there is some danger inhaling the stuff as there is inin everything in life but when does this nambie pambie world draw the line between risk and serious risks? Using the immortal ending from Nolly......DISCUSS....


  • I don't mind a 'balloon' when on holiday or out clubbing but when i go running i see kids no older than 12 doing them over the park. Cant be good.
  • okay, I am an old(ish) man and have seen these youngsters doing these baloon things and have no idea what they are. Hopefully my kids are too young to be doing them, and even if they weren't I doubt they'd tell me anything about them anyway.

    Can one of you youngsters please let me know what exactly they are and what effect they have on you?

    You never know, if I like what I hear I may try one!! ;o)
  • You breathe a balloons worth of nitrous oxide in an out until you get a 5-10 sec buzz! I tried it once in magaluf but it had no effect to be honest... to drunk i think
  • edited August 2014

    okay, I am an old(ish) man and have seen these youngsters doing these baloon things and have no idea what they are. Hopefully my kids are too young to be doing them, and even if they weren't I doubt they'd tell me anything about them anyway.

    Can one of you youngsters please let me know what exactly they are and what effect they have on you?

    You never know, if I like what I hear I may try one!! ;o)

    Basically they give you a 20 second head rush. Its meant to feel close to the sensation you get just before passing out. Its called 'laughing gas' but it tends to make you smile in a creepy way more than full on chuckle.

    They are pretty tame, and not much difference to 'poppers' but i still wouldn't wanna see kids doing them.

    All in all they are pretty pointless unless you are on other chemicals at the time as well (They used to sell them by the bucket load in Ibiza as they were taken by people raving on MDMA etc, although they have cracked down on them in a lot of clubs)

    You should try one and you will find them quite entertaining although they leave a plastic balloon taste in your mouth like you've just chewed on a dozen durex.
  • okay, I am an old(ish) man and have seen these youngsters doing these baloon things and have no idea what they are. Hopefully my kids are too young to be doing them, and even if they weren't I doubt they'd tell me anything about them anyway.

    Can one of you youngsters please let me know what exactly they are and what effect they have on you?

    You never know, if I like what I hear I may try one!! ;o)

    Basically they give you a 20 second head rush. Its meant to feel close to the sensation you get just before passing out. Its called 'laughing gas' but it tends to make you smile in a creepy way more than full on chuckle.

    They are pretty tame, and not much difference to 'poppers' but i still wouldn't wanna see kids doing them.

    All in all they are pretty pointless unless you are on other chemicals at the time as well (They used to sell them by the bucket load in Ibiza as they were taken by people raving on MDMA etc, although they have cracked down on them in a lot of clubs)

    You should try one and you will find them quite entertaining although they leave a plastic balloon taste in your mouth like you've just chewed on a dozen durex.
    I do hope everything you've mentioned in this post is all from experience.
  • Haa - things are really getting tough - first an injunction preventing car cruises in Southend and, now, what will all those Corsa drivers do without their NOS injection systems?
  • Saw some kids about 16-18 doing them at glasto. TBH they just ended up looking green and like they were gonna throw up. Stick to the classics.
  • Had free access to this stuff in the chemistry labs at University. Harmless fun, especially when combined with the free supply of Helium for silly voices. I loved the inorganic chemistry lab...
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  • I just don't get it. What's wrong with tippex thinners?
  • okay, I am an old(ish) man and have seen these youngsters doing these baloon things and have no idea what they are. Hopefully my kids are too young to be doing them, and even if they weren't I doubt they'd tell me anything about them anyway.

    Can one of you youngsters please let me know what exactly they are and what effect they have on you?

    You never know, if I like what I hear I may try one!! ;o)

    Basically they give you a 20 second head rush. Its meant to feel close to the sensation you get just before passing out. Its called 'laughing gas' but it tends to make you smile in a creepy way more than full on chuckle.

    They are pretty tame, and not much difference to 'poppers' but i still wouldn't wanna see kids doing them.

    All in all they are pretty pointless unless you are on other chemicals at the time as well (They used to sell them by the bucket load in Ibiza as they were taken by people raving on MDMA etc, although they have cracked down on them in a lot of clubs)

    You should try one and you will find them quite entertaining although they leave a plastic balloon taste in your mouth like you've just chewed on a dozen durex.
    Thanks Gary, I'll think I'll give it a miss though. I'll just stick to the Bolivian marching powder! ;o)
  • It is a laugh
  • Robert M. Julien:
    "...Nitrous oxide induces a state of behavioral
    disinhibition, analgesia, and euphoria. One of the problems occasionally
    encountered when nitrous oxide is used for recreational purposes is
    that, unless the compound is administered with at least 20 percent
    oxygen, hypoxia (decreased oxygen content of the blood) can be induced.
    But in order to achieve high enough concentrations of nitrous oxide to
    get a good behavioral effect, concentrations of 50 percent or greater
    must be inhaled. If such concentrations are mixed with room air, inhaled
    oxygen concentartions drop to low levels and the hypoxia may result in
    irreversible brain damage."
    (In other words, don't use it in your vw bus :*)
  • some of the same problems you are going to get with alcohol - disinhibition, reduced motor function and reflexes - possible accident or poor decision making, possibly reduced control leading to potential for abuse from others.
  • edited August 2014
    Local authorities are more concerned about it becoming prevalent among the very young (ie under 16s) with potential knock on effects on their brain, personality and educational development, as with cannabis use in pre-adults, and some of the same problems with use of solvents (accident, hypoxia). As with glue if you are an adult the attitude will probably be fill your boots - but cheap, legal and available substances used by adults have a habit of appearing in the hands of the young, as I say and the LA probably feel they have duty of care to respond - rightly in my opinion.
  • It lasts for all of 20 seconds and is a good laugh when you're out. The only time I've seen someone 'pass out'/fall on them is when we done 'triples' three canisters in one balloon
  • edited August 2014
    For sure, most recreational drug use is free of significant problems, (depending on your own definition of "significant" - is a hangover significant?)- it only takes one 13 year old to stagger in front of a bus for there to be a general cry of "why didn't anyone do anything?" - and there is starting to be an overwhelming body of evidence that indicates that drug use in people who are still developing physically and emotionally is more likely to be harmful in the long term. Sorry to be the boring fart here ;0)

    ...but I used to do it myself, using whipping cream canisters and an empty soda syphon. If we couldnt get anything better...Now its biscuits and coffee all the way for me.
  • edited August 2014
  • edited August 2014
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  • Had free access to this stuff in the chemistry labs at University. Harmless fun, especially when combined with the free supply of Helium for silly voices. I loved the inorganic chemistry lab...

    Bloody hell that brings it flooding back - remind me of the difference between Organic and Inorganic Chemistry?
  • If you want a proper buzz try some jumping jack flash............It's a gas gas gas apparently.
  • I tried this once when I was about 19, think I breathed it in for far too long. I blame it for the worst hangover I have ever had. Pure evil. Couldn't open my eyes the next day for the pain. Never again!
  • PL54 said:

    Had free access to this stuff in the chemistry labs at University. Harmless fun, especially when combined with the free supply of Helium for silly voices. I loved the inorganic chemistry lab...

    Bloody hell that brings it flooding back - remind me of the difference between Organic and Inorganic Chemistry?
    Carbon-based vs Non-Carbon based (in a nutshell)
  • this annoys me. i genuinely think that if they stopped being so worried and just said, taking drugs involves risks and just learn to have self control and not to overdo it then you will be fine. ok so i understand that harder drugs like herion, crystal meth and coke need to be stopped, but they are so worried about the effects and health problems that there is no common sense, it is like saying, don't do that stunt you can potentially injure your cruciate ligament and not do hard exercise for 6 to 9 months, instead say, i would be careful with that, i know its your choice but your knee can get seriously fucke*
  • Sounds like poppers to me. Horrible shit that is.
  • If we were only talking about adult drug use I would completely agree with you. I wouldn't necessarily single out heroin coke and crystal meth - for most coke users there are no more problems than most alcohol users experience with weekend drinking, other class A drugs like ecstasy similarly get a disproportionately bad press, and if you asked the local Police, fire service and A&E staff which substance they would most like to see disappear on a weekend I think it would be alcohol by a long long way. BUT there is more to it. I'm out at the other end of the country here so I'm interested, what is the nature of the crackdown?
  • buckshee said:

    Sounds like poppers to me. Horrible shit that is.

    A lot cleaner, lasts longer but not as sudden.
  • Don't know why you crazy kids don't take out a 10yr endowment policy for long term gains rather than the temporary highs these fad drugs deliver
  • they leave a plastic balloon taste in your mouth like you've just chewed on a dozen durex.

    Tch! Never going to do that again! What a terrible night that was!
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