Many thanks for the 69 Lifers who gave their marks and thanks to the 68 who kept the names in the order I put them up

Wilson---------- 8.11 MoM
Bikey----------- 7.51
Gomez--------- 7.45
Buyens--------- 7.43
Morrison-------- 6.99
Cousins--------- 6.90
Fox------------ 6.69
Henderson------ 6.62
Vetokele-------- 6.42
Harriott--------- 6.28
Tucudean------- 6.20
Moussa--------- 6.12
as the OPTA stats aren't available for Cup matches the stats are more basic. For the assists I have given an assist for the first goal to Moussa as it was his shot that was handballed.
the detail is here:img src="