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Art for Arts Sake?

You only have to look at who is the chairwoman of the judges. Call me a philistine if you like but I reckon it's all Bo**ox.

Emperor's New Clothes


  • I have always found her irritating, but a successful writer, broadcaster and businesswoman being chairwoman is a bad choice?
  • [cite]Posted By: Sco[/cite]I have always found her irritating, but a successful writer, broadcaster and businesswoman being chairwoman is a bad choice?
    I was referring to the whole issue of literary prizes. Full of nominations of self indulgent crap books that only the chattering classes buy and then pretend they've read just to look good at their Hampstead dinner parties.
  • "Small Island" which won a couple of years ago is a great book about London dealing with the aftermaths of the war, Carribean immigration etc.
  • Quit chattering Salad and go and buy a proper book. ;0)

    I agree that they can be poncy events, but all prize/award events are promotional irrespective of the thing they are promoting (music, art, etc).

    Bringing awareness to books that might get little coverage due to their limited appeal doesn't really bother me.
  • edited April 2007
    Philistine. How do you know if they are "self indulgent crap" if you've never read them?

    Sco is spot on when he says
    [cite]Posted By: Sco[/cite]

    I agree that they can be poncy events, but all prize/award events are promotional irrespective of the thing they are promoting (music, art, etc).

    Bringing awareness to books that might get little coverage due to their limited appeal doesn't really bother me.
  • I too agree with the Scomeister
  • Sco is our leader
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