According to Campaign for Better Transport
''Buses are more fashionable today than at any time since the mid-1980s after a surge in people returning to work boosted journey numbers by almost 100 million a year.
Passengers in England made 4.7 billion trips by bus in the 12 months to March, the highest total in three decades, according to Government figures released on Tuesday.
In a change from previous years the growth in bus travel was driven not by older people but by fare paying passengers, suggesting a boom in popularity among working people.
Passenger numbers outside the capital increased by 1.5 per cent, the first rise since national free bus travel for older people was introduced in 2008/09, while journeys in London increased by three per cent.
The number of journeys taken in the capital each year has now doubled since the mid-1980s, but this boom has so far been tempered by declining usage across the rest of the country due to rising car ownership.''
So are lifers train obsessed nutters, bus lovers or confirmed cage drivers?
My guess
Would've been a great job if I didn't have to stop and pick up people.....................
I never learnt to drive so when I was in the UK I'd take public transport everywhere. I don't think it's necessarily that bad, especially now it links up to smartphone apps and most bus stops have live timetables (don't have this in Hong Kong). When I used to take the 96 to work every day, I could time leaving my house so I wouldn't be stood at the bus stop freezing my arse off.
The worst thing about public transport in the UK is the people. Seen more fights and arguments on buses and trains than I've seen in pubs. N89 back from London on a Saturday night at 2am anyone? I've never understood why so many people in England are like that to each other. Makes life a misery for everyone, though there's not much TFL can do about that.
So for me it's love hate. I like the efficiency but you never know who's going to get on at the next stop and start kicking off.
I did hear a funny story about a bus in romford last week, a scroat got on and started racially abusing the bus driver not realizing an extremely large black man was sitting at the back. Suffice to say the scroat got quite a pasting and then arrested by the police.
Screaming kids playing music in the morning.
Drunks and aforementioned Chicken boxes on the way back
I need to win the lottery!
But as long as the buses run well.....
Nice place though!
Me and my mum were on the bus the other day and there was this kid playing their music and was so loud you could hear it through the earphones etc... My mum politely turned round asking them to turn it down only to receive a tirade back saying that she was in a public place so could do what she wanted and that it wasnt like she was pracing up and down the bus without earphones in, to which I turned round saying she may as well have been as we could hear the music anyway
If you aren't in a rush they are fine and a good way to see parts of town you might not know too well.
Don't seem any dirtier than commuter trains what with all the free papers and coffee cups.
UK could learn a lot from them especially when it comes to immigration.
TfL have done quite a good job in making the service fairly reliable and comfortable compared to how they used to be. The new generation of buses are nice to ride on, especially the New Routemasters.
The biggest downside for me: African men who sit on the bus and shout into their mobile phones. Worse than the kids and their music!
Ok, some times / routes not always pleasant, but they're really pretty good you know
Absolute bedlam when they are on the 261 in the morning.
Maybe I'm just getting old?!?