If this is a history of The Earth in 2 minutes then human life would appear for a little over 16 tenths of a second at the end.
Yeah of course but 1 minute 59 seconds of volcano shots followed by a single shot of a geezer wouldn't be so `entertaining'. It's someones interpretation of the history of Earth...an exponential curve of time...but you know this anyway.
If this is a history of The Earth in 2 minutes then human life would appear for a little over 16 tenths of a second at the end.
Yeah of course but 1 minute 59 seconds of volcano shots followed by a single shot of a geezer wouldn't be so `entertaining'. It's someones interpretation of the history of Earth...an exponential curve of time...but you know this anyway.
I like that - the bit when Northern France becomes England is good.
I'm no historian but it starts post 1066 and think its showing England and some French provinces had the same King but the French bits got lost, apart from the Channel Islands, leaving just England. Might be argued that England is a colony of Guernsey!
If this is a history of The Earth in 2 minutes then human life would appear for a little over 16 tenths of a second at the end.
And if you believe the bible then the entire thing is cock.
Despite the French wording I assume this student is American.
Probably had to use a French platform to prevent the US God Squad putting out a fatwah.
The date thing is a bit wrong, but the bit where the 3rd Reich spreads out is pretty dramatic.
Forget Agincourt, Black Prince, Joan of Arc etc ... we need to restore Calais to it's rightful place as part of England!
PS: On second thoughts, p'raps not.
(takes 2 mins to get going).