One of the most compelling things I have ever watched but I was so saddened and found myself wondering what would I have done if in there with my kids
Sick bstds
Got me thinking the exact same thing.
The moment when the guy got shot beneath the elephant in the supermarket. Was one of the most harrowing event I've seen on T.V made me sick to my stomach.
The testimonies of the relatives were very powerful - especially the daughter of the man who was shot a number of times, and the husband who was with his wife.
Unreal what will it take for these bstds to stop it's just so unreal, fucking people are just mad In the head how can you do that to people, women children old people, I can sort of understand men doing it to men but kids and old women ffs
Unreal what will it take for these bstds to stop it's just so unreal, fucking people are just mad In the head how can you do that to people, women children old people, I can sort of understand men doing it to men but kids and old women ffs
I think the majority are on some seriously strong narcotics. Take this loon that's lopping peoples heads off in Syria. Don't care who or what you are, it would take some mind bending gear to keep psyching yourself up to do a thing like that.
Unreal what will it take for these bstds to stop it's just so unreal, fucking people are just mad In the head how can you do that to people, women children old people, I can sort of understand men doing it to men but kids and old women ffs
I think the majority are on some seriously strong narcotics. Take this loon that's lopping peoples heads off in Syria. Don't care who or what you are, it would take some mind bending gear to keep psyching yourself up to do a thing like that.
Don't think it's drugs, I think when people are brainwashed by an evil belief or doctrine, they can be compelled to do anything, like Nazi Germany, North Korea or the Khmer Rouge.
I can't imagine going through anything like that. I was quite intoxicated on the train on the way home tonight, but I read that and it sobered me up and nearly had me in tears. There are some utter bastards in this world, and I personally couldn't shed a tear for any of them. What makes man capable of causing such havoc and misery on another is beyond me.
I'd had a chat with (the most friendly) an armed police officer at Waterloo, tooled up with some form of AR-15, and as we were chatting he said "If I ever have to use this in anger, let alone somewhere like here, you know somethings gone majorly wrong.". (it was relevant) It didn't really click what he meant until now.
It was very harrowing to watch. On an upbeat note the 5 off duty police officers and 2 armed civilians who went into the Mall while the Kenyan armed forces were doddering around outside were true heroes. To face AK47's with pistols and tear gas was very brave and they saved a good number of people.
The army were a total joke in their response. They were scared to go in and when they did they shot at civilians and shot 5 police officers. The final act was to blow the whole place up. There could have still been people hiding in there.
Looked like a gang of blokes rounded up from the next town and shoved guns into in their hands.
Can see how well-organised terriorist groups can cause so much distruction if that's the kind of shower they are facing.
That's the problem really, all these extremist groups really really believe in what they do, they are true fanatics. Up against them in the Middle East especially the armies are basically a bunch of grunts who don't even want to be fighting. To really dig them out it would take a serious fight and probably a high body count, and for whatever reason the people who could make it happen don't want to, whilst the terrorist scum would gladly welcome being martyred for their cause.
Unreal what will it take for these bstds to stop it's just so unreal, fucking people are just mad In the head how can you do that to people, women children old people, I can sort of understand men doing it to men but kids and old women ffs
I think the majority are on some seriously strong narcotics. Take this loon that's lopping peoples heads off in Syria. Don't care who or what you are, it would take some mind bending gear to keep psyching yourself up to do a thing like that.
Don't think it's drugs, I think when people are brainwashed by an evil belief or doctrine, they can be compelled to do anything, like Nazi Germany, North Korea or the Khmer Rouge.
I don't think you are but be careful about calling a doctrine evil especially if you are referring to the Quran.
Really sad and shocking event. The sad thing is, the actions of the Kenyan army didn't suprise me one little bit. When I was in the army, I had a posting in Kenya, to assist in the training of their troops. It was a complete waste of time. We'd spend hours talking and instructing them on tactics and proceedures, yet as soon as it came to putting it into practice, they would all run around like 5 year olds high on haribos. I certainly wouldn't want to go into any situation with them at my side.
watch a replay on BBC 2 last night. What shocked me most of all was the reaction of the police force - did nothing for 3 hrs & then when they finally stormed the building they shot dead one of the plain clothes policemen who had gone in there earlier with some others. They then spent the best part of 2 days trying to starve the terrorists out & when that didn't work basically blew the place up. It was utter carnage & I couldn't believe how big a hole it left. Usless tw**ts.
They then spent the best part of 2 days trying to starve the terrorists out ....
This was the bit that got me.
Did no one bother telling them that it was a supermarket. They had enough supplies for the four of them for about three years. They would have been better off spending their time building a wooden horse.
Just watched it and it's left me speechless, pure evil sick cowards, respect to the 7 men that went in and saved the women n children, RIP to all those that lost their lives
I wonder if the concept of sieges is lost on a continent that more or less skipped that era of warfare thanks to Europeans introducing weapon technology far in advance of what they already had.
Unreal what will it take for these bstds to stop it's just so unreal, fucking people are just mad In the head how can you do that to people, women children old people, I can sort of understand men doing it to men but kids and old women ffs
I think the majority are on some seriously strong narcotics. Take this loon that's lopping peoples heads off in Syria. Don't care who or what you are, it would take some mind bending gear to keep psyching yourself up to do a thing like that.
Don't think it's drugs, I think when people are brainwashed by an evil belief or doctrine, they can be compelled to do anything, like Nazi Germany, North Korea or the Khmer Rouge.
I don't think you are but be careful about calling a doctrine evil especially if you are referring to the Quran.
He didn't say anything controversial. The Quran is clearly a book which can very very easily be "misinterpreted" and in the views of some, simply taken literally as it is written...
I'm not saying you in particular but I get exceptionally annoyed by Anglo Saxon westerners who call Islam the "religion of peace" when they haven't actually read the Quran. I have, and let me tell you there's some stuff in there that isn't necessarily "misinterpreted," just taken as it is written.
The issue for me is that Islam has not been through the "enlightenment" the Christianity has gone through, where you don't have to take the book literally, Christianity was the same, crusades etc, just read the old testament, all fire and brimstone whereas the New Testament is all lovey dovey obviously.
Christianity through the enlightenment and western civilisation/cultural movements has become a religion where you can kind of pick and choose what you want... There are plenty of Christians in the UK that don't dislike gays etc... Whereas I would suggest that Islamic people still take the book a lot more literally.. More so than American bible belt loons take the bible. This makes it a lot easier to tell people to do things in the name of this book. This is a Christian country (technically) and I just don't think that you could convince many in this country to do bad things in the name of the bible, largely because church isn't such a big part of a persons life, even a strong Christian, largely because the new testament is the main thing that is preached from, and largely because actual church leaders are very very moderate.
Take disenfranchised young men, give them the reason why their lives are difficult (the west) add a charismatic Imam and you are well on your way to creating a terrorist.
The passages of the Quran are the anchor on which all terrorist acts stem from. This does not make it evil (there are an awful lot of very charitable messages in the book) nor does it make Muslims evil, not at all. It just means if you choose to take the Quran literally, you could be motivated to do some pretty bad things.
I suppose what I am trying to say is that in terms of how faithful your average Muslim is, they are where we wer
Unreal what will it take for these bstds to stop it's just so unreal, fucking people are just mad In the head how can you do that to people, women children old people, I can sort of understand men doing it to men but kids and old women ffs
I think the majority are on some seriously strong narcotics. Take this loon that's lopping peoples heads off in Syria. Don't care who or what you are, it would take some mind bending gear to keep psyching yourself up to do a thing like that.
Don't think it's drugs, I think when people are brainwashed by an evil belief or doctrine, they can be compelled to do anything, like Nazi Germany, North Korea or the Khmer Rouge.
I don't think you are but be careful about calling a doctrine evil especially if you are referring to the Quran.
He didn't say anything controversial. The Quran is clearly a book which can very very easily be "misinterpreted" and in the views of some, simply taken literally as it is written...
I'm not saying you in particular but I get exceptionally annoyed by Anglo Saxon westerners who call Islam the "religion of peace" when they haven't actually read the Quran. I have, and let me tell you there's some stuff in there that isn't necessarily "misinterpreted," just taken as it is written.
The issue for me is that Islam has not been through the "enlightenment" the Christianity has gone through, where you don't have to take the book literally, Christianity was the same, crusades etc, just read the old testament, all fire and brimstone whereas the New Testament is all lovey dovey obviously.
Christianity through the enlightenment and western civilisation/cultural movements has become a religion where you can kind of pick and choose what you want... There are plenty of Christians in the UK that don't dislike gays etc... Whereas I would suggest that Islamic people still take the book a lot more literally.. More so than American bible belt loons take the bible. This makes it a lot easier to tell people to do things in the name of this book. This is a Christian country (technically) and I just don't think that you could convince many in this country to do bad things in the name of the bible, largely because church isn't such a big part of a persons life, even a strong Christian, largely because the new testament is the main thing that is preached from, and largely because actual church leaders are very very moderate.
Take disenfranchised young men, give them the reason why their lives are difficult (the west) add a charismatic Imam and you are well on your way to creating a terrorist.
The passages of the Quran are the anchor on which all terrorist acts stem from. This does not make it evil (there are an awful lot of very charitable messages in the book) nor does it make Muslims evil, not at all. It just means if you choose to take the Quran literally, you could be motivated to do some pretty bad things.
I suppose what I am trying to say is that in terms of how faithful your average Muslim is, they are where we were several hundred years ago as Christians. When you have people who are a lot more devout as standard, the extremes of faith are a lot more fanatical. The average Muslim being a lot more faithful than the average Christian is not an issue in itself, faith can be a great thing, it just means that you have more people who take a religion so seriously, to try and pervert their interpretation of it, kind of like fishing in a barrel full of rubber ducks rather than in a swimming pool with one rubber duck in it.
Strange thing was I recall it on the news how they were saying there were loads of terrorists, the had started a fire etc but in reality it was the ineptitude of the Kenyan army that that did as much harm as good. Shambolic
Sick bstds
The moment when the guy got shot beneath the elephant in the supermarket. Was one of the most harrowing event I've seen on T.V made me sick to my stomach.
Can't imagine anyone that survived sleeps too well these days.
At the time, remember thinking that it was a dry run for a similar attack in the west. Pray to god I'm wrong.
I can't imagine going through anything like that. I was quite intoxicated on the train on the way home tonight, but I read that and it sobered me up and nearly had me in tears. There are some utter bastards in this world, and I personally couldn't shed a tear for any of them. What makes man capable of causing such havoc and misery on another is beyond me.
I'd had a chat with (the most friendly) an armed police officer at Waterloo, tooled up with some form of AR-15, and as we were chatting he said "If I ever have to use this in anger, let alone somewhere like here, you know somethings gone majorly wrong.". (it was relevant) It didn't really click what he meant until now.
Then praised by the Kenyan Prime Minister.
90 minutes they waited before entering the building!
Looked like a gang of blokes rounded up from the next town and shoved guns into in their hands.
Can see how well-organised terriorist groups can cause so much distruction if that's the kind of shower they are facing.
Sorry if a bit off topic................
Did no one bother telling them that it was a supermarket. They had enough supplies for the four of them for about three years. They would have been better off spending their time building a wooden horse.
I'm not saying you in particular but I get exceptionally annoyed by Anglo Saxon westerners who call Islam the "religion of peace" when they haven't actually read the Quran. I have, and let me tell you there's some stuff in there that isn't necessarily "misinterpreted," just taken as it is written.
The issue for me is that Islam has not been through the "enlightenment" the Christianity has gone through, where you don't have to take the book literally, Christianity was the same, crusades etc, just read the old testament, all fire and brimstone whereas the New Testament is all lovey dovey obviously.
Christianity through the enlightenment and western civilisation/cultural movements has become a religion where you can kind of pick and choose what you want... There are plenty of Christians in the UK that don't dislike gays etc... Whereas I would suggest that Islamic people still take the book a lot more literally.. More so than American bible belt loons take the bible. This makes it a lot easier to tell people to do things in the name of this book. This is a Christian country (technically) and I just don't think that you could convince many in this country to do bad things in the name of the bible, largely because church isn't such a big part of a persons life, even a strong Christian, largely because the new testament is the main thing that is preached from, and largely because actual church leaders are very very moderate.
Take disenfranchised young men, give them the reason why their lives are difficult (the west) add a charismatic Imam and you are well on your way to creating a terrorist.
The passages of the Quran are the anchor on which all terrorist acts stem from. This does not make it evil (there are an awful lot of very charitable messages in the book) nor does it make Muslims evil, not at all. It just means if you choose to take the Quran literally, you could be motivated to do some pretty bad things.
I suppose what I am trying to say is that in terms of how faithful your average Muslim is, they are where we wer
I'm not saying you in particular but I get exceptionally annoyed by Anglo Saxon westerners who call Islam the "religion of peace" when they haven't actually read the Quran. I have, and let me tell you there's some stuff in there that isn't necessarily "misinterpreted," just taken as it is written.
The issue for me is that Islam has not been through the "enlightenment" the Christianity has gone through, where you don't have to take the book literally, Christianity was the same, crusades etc, just read the old testament, all fire and brimstone whereas the New Testament is all lovey dovey obviously.
Christianity through the enlightenment and western civilisation/cultural movements has become a religion where you can kind of pick and choose what you want... There are plenty of Christians in the UK that don't dislike gays etc... Whereas I would suggest that Islamic people still take the book a lot more literally.. More so than American bible belt loons take the bible. This makes it a lot easier to tell people to do things in the name of this book. This is a Christian country (technically) and I just don't think that you could convince many in this country to do bad things in the name of the bible, largely because church isn't such a big part of a persons life, even a strong Christian, largely because the new testament is the main thing that is preached from, and largely because actual church leaders are very very moderate.
Take disenfranchised young men, give them the reason why their lives are difficult (the west) add a charismatic Imam and you are well on your way to creating a terrorist.
The passages of the Quran are the anchor on which all terrorist acts stem from. This does not make it evil (there are an awful lot of very charitable messages in the book) nor does it make Muslims evil, not at all. It just means if you choose to take the Quran literally, you could be motivated to do some pretty bad things.
I suppose what I am trying to say is that in terms of how faithful your average Muslim is, they are where we were several hundred years ago as Christians. When you have people who are a lot more devout as standard, the extremes of faith are a lot more fanatical. The average Muslim being a lot more faithful than the average Christian is not an issue in itself, faith can be a great thing, it just means that you have more people who take a religion so seriously, to try and pervert their interpretation of it, kind of like fishing in a barrel full of rubber ducks rather than in a swimming pool with one rubber duck in it.