Don't know if this has been asked before, but any recommendations anyone?
UK or abroad?
Southern or northern England for value.
Need to get one/two done and it isn't cheap.
Any help appreciated.
Already have one and felt I was robbed (2800.00)
This was a few years ago though.
If it was caused by an accident you should be able to get it done on NHS
£2800 per tooth ?
My dentist seems to be a bit of an implant specialist, in that he trains others.
But you'll pay the full whack. I bottled it when he said I'd need bone grafts.
And yes £2800 for one ! A bridge is about £1400 and will not last last. My man said it will be the last tooth in my mouth ! It was at the front and I could not stand a plate or a gap.
He isn't like some sort of mobile mechanic is he, with a dentists chair in the back of his van?
The cost in Thailand is around GBP1200 - 1300. Yes, you get a holiday out of it, in fact you'd get two as the initial treatment is done but you need six months or so for the bone to attach itself firmly to the titanium implant before the crown can be fitted.
That's assuming you don't need a bone graft, in which case you'd have to go out three times.
Bupa have just fitted an implant (front tooth) £1750 including ct scans. You dont have to be a private patient and offer payment options.
You also get the after care if anything needs sorting.