I had to visit the minor injury unit at Queen Mary's on Sunday (don't ask). While I was waiting, a guy who had been playing football came in with a bloody mouth. I noticed he had a Millwall tattoo on his leg. After about 15 minutes a nurse called out Michael Smith Lions and said guy got up. To be honest I didn't catch the first two bits of his name as I was reading a paper but it was defiantly Lions. I might be doing said chav an injustice and it might be Lyons.
Any way, cool story lol
:-). 8-). ;-). :-/. :-(. :-*. |-). :-|. :-D. :-}
:-{ <(=) <:-) 3:-)
Or you could just write them
:-). 8-). ;-). :-/. :-(. :-*. |-). :-|. :-D. :-}
:-{ <(=) <:-) 3:-) </p>
Looks like Braille or Chinese morse code.