I posted in the Destiny thread but not sure if anyone will bother looking. Again sorry if selling threads aren't allowed delete if so please.
Looking to sell my ps4. Never play it and want to get some money back from it. I don't wanna sell it on eBay cause of delivery being risky, so thought I'd try here assuming collection should be pretty easy.
PS4 is in pretty much mint condition. So are all games and accessories. I want to sell it all in one lot, no seperate sales.
Console (wires, controller, box etc)
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare
Man of Steel Blu Ray
http://imgur.com/Wt7k9xehttp://imgur.com/2MEaetACan post some more pics.
£350 for the lot.
Looking at getting one for my son for xmas..........
No Paulie, you would feel dirty if you found another past time other than Charlton Life. I'm sorry Paulie, I'm telling you this now, Its not going to happen - I don't want you waking up on Christmas morning all disappointed.