Have just switched my flat from a residential to buy to let mortgage which now means I'm bringing in a fairly decent income that I understand is subject to income tax. Nothing major but around £500 per month.
Is anyone else in the same boat and able to shed some light on how complicated the declaration process is? Is it worth using an accountant to do this for me to ensure I am offsetting/disclosing all tax avoidable costs?
Any/all info gratefully received.
I've had my fingers burned in letting my property and my view is that it's not worth doing with just one property because when there are problems with that property or when it is empty you have a sudden drop in income. If you have 2, 3 or more you should always have money coming in. However, if you like the idea of owning properties, sorting out tenants' problems, re-decorating every few years, go for it, if not I'd say you're better off investing the money.
I was extremely lucky last year when a drain collapsed at the property - the bill was £4,500, but my insurance broker (who is an old school friend) managed to get the insurance to pay up. Otherwise that would've been 5 month's rent down the drain (literally).
Been a landlord for 18yrs and despite the occasional problem, 95% of the time it's free money. It does help to keep some money aside for unexpected repairs etc. I have two properties which helps with cash flow.