So, the great man has publically stated something I've been picking up from the odd tech/ futures presentation for a while - we are getting close to developing such advanced artificial intelligence that it will out-evolve us and spell the end of the human race.
Quite a terrifying idea when you think about it - but I'll still just focus on when Buyens might be fit and whether RD will splash the cash in January. (Seems he'd better hurry up, though!)
personally, i'm looking forward to playing decent AI in my computer games rather than playing prepubescents who tell me how much they think of my mother.
Wish RD would hurry up and clone us another striker.
Evidently the current Tucadean Mk 1 project which has been trialled across the network still needs a few flaws ironing out - like scoring goals, for example.
Hopefully they'll start by doing what we can't and get rid of the dregs holding back society and evolution.
I wish pop science journalism wasn't used for sensationalist purposes. Just because we're only a couple of decades away from having the technical capability to make a machine that has the processing power of the human brain and can mimic our thought processes, doesn't somehow mean we can make an 'intelligence' in any sense you or I are familiar with. It's not just a matter of reaching a specific level of computing power and automatically flicking a switch that makes something 'be'.
it would take off on it's own, and re-design itself at an ever increasing rate.
humans who are limited by slow biogical evolution, couldn't compete, and would be superseded."
Coming from a man with a broken body, and someone i have always felt in awe of.
The Irony of what is being stated is mind blowing. (man or machine)
2001 a space odyssey, still the most amazing film i've ever seen.
We'll all be clammoring for Morgan Fox to return then