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Household Budgets



  • AFKA you can sleep soundly as we have solved the problem and it has been well tested since we carried out the work.

    Happy New Year to you and your family by the way.
  • One regular concern is the amount we spend on food and how much Is then chucked out unused. Learnt to bite my tongue with the better half but a regular rant I hear from many blokes in the office!
  • PL54 said:

    Just find it odd that a married couple don't share all financial issues and have trust around it. In sickness and in health etc.

    If I want a trip to a stag do, I'll do it and if she is off for yet another haircut then fine - as long as we can afford it between us of course.

    Bigger marriage issues out there than bank balances - I assume married people have joint mortgages etc so if debt is ok why worry about a bit sloshing around in the current account?

    I'm not married but do live with my GF and have done for 7 years, but we've always had separate accounts and it's always worked. Never had the need to change, so why would we? If that works for you then fair play, but it's not everyone's cup of tea.
  • It's an interesting thread. It shows (to me, at least) that different people have different relationships which work in different ways. What is an issue in one relationship may be seem trivial in another and vice versa. Thankfully, we are all individuals and have different strengths, weaknesses, tolerances etc.
  • cafcfan said:

    PL54 said:

    Or let's say your debit card (or worse your whole account) gets compromised/lost/fraudulently accessed while you are overseas - nice to have another available until you get a shiny new one/money back on your return to the UK.


    This actually happened to us when I was still married. I have never bothered to report it however as the bloke who nicked the card spends less a month than the ex did.
  • edited January 2015
    Never had a joint account in well over 30 years of marriage.

    I have always paid all the recurring costs and bills (mortgage, utilities, council tax etc). If and when she has worked, which she has always done when able to fit around the needs of the children, she has paid for any extras such as new or replacement furniture since she is the one with an opinion on those kinds of issues.

    I used to pay for our holidays but we have not had a holiday now in nearly 10 years as what I booked was never "right" for either her or one or more of the children as they grew older.

    Whilst not having a holiday has its downside the fact that I am no longer in hock to a credit card company as a result is a massive upside for me as I have always found any debt very stressful. I'd rather do without than borrow.
  • I pay all the important bills, do most of the food shopping* and give my partner £600 a month. She doesn't really earn much; what she does goes for stuff with the kids etc.
    I can honestly say that although I earn fairly well, I don't have a lot of money as I am basically supporting 4 people off it. We do have rows about money but haven't for a while. We have different attitudes towards money; she's more optimistic that money problems can be dealt with. As a Charlton fan I am not one of nature's optimists and am forever expecting to find myself out of a job and earning very little.

    We don't have a joint account. I've had one in the past and it ended badly.

    * I do the cooking, and I do the driving. I can budget far better for food than OH.
  • Both work full time. Have a joint account we both pay into to cover all bills, hubby puts more in than me as has bigger take home but i cover childcare costs so it balances out. Both then have our own accounts for us to spend as we wish. Never had a prob
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