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Wow - Fetishist? No Drive!

...and transgender, transexual, voyeurs and other 'mental disorders' are no longer permitted to drive in Russia.

What a caring sharing society or haves and have not the Socialist (Edited) centralized semi-authoritarian state of Russia really is.

Pathalogical gamblers and stealers wont get driving licenses either!

Luckily the unions have dived right in there....

"....the Professional Drivers Union supported the move. "We have too many deaths on the road, and I believe toughening medical requirements for applicants is fully justified," said the union's head Alexander Kotov.

In 2013 Russia made "promoting non-traditional lifestyles" illegal.


  • What a drag...........
  • Just need to get the vodka drinkers off the road.
  • Not really a "socialist" state based on any reasonable definition. More of a capitalist dictatorship
  • In the light of this development and this news report I wonder how many of the above-mentioned "categories" and others living in Crimea now wish they hadn't been quite so hasty in their rush to be annexed from Ukraine?
  • cafcfan said:

    In the light of this development and this news report I wonder how many of the above-mentioned "categories" and others living in Crimea now wish they hadn't been quite so hasty in their rush to be annexed from Ukraine?

    I strongly suspect that almost no LGBT people would have been in favour of the annexation, given that Putin and his lackys have been making their attitude to anyone "different" pretty clear for a considerable time. I think the "blame" for that can be fairly planted at the feet of vanilla people...
  • Ridiculous. I remember reading about a youth group called Nashi over there. Some sort of Putin equivalent to the Hitler youth.

    The USSR doesn't exist anymore Putin, and you can't just get your pen out and start re-writing where the borders are
  • Do they define the term "fetishist"? After all, we all have our preferences...
  • Bear in mind that it was only a few years ago that anything under 10% alcohol ( lager etc ) was considered a soft drink.
  • holyjo said:

    Not really a "socialist" state based on any reasonable definition. More of a capitalist dictatorship

    Good point. Edited.
    From the CIA World Factbook
    'Since then, Russia has shifted its post-Soviet democratic ambitions in favor of a centralized semi-authoritarian state in which the leadership seeks to legitimize its rule through managed national elections, populist appeals by President PUTIN, and continued economic growth.'

    I was interested by the CIA's use of inverted commas when referring to their 'government' here

    ''cabinet: the "Government" is composed of the premier, his deputies, and ministers; all are appointed by the president, and the premier is also confirmed by the Duma''
  • Must have some pretty empty roads then!
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