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Fox "News"

These jokers are simply unbelievable. How they can masquerade as a news channel, I don't know.


  • Thought this was a thread about Morgan.
  • Thought this was a thread about Morgan.

    Thought the category might have been a clue that it wasn't. Then again...
  • I'm in Birmingham right now. I didn't get the memo
  • Run-of-the-mill stuff for Fox News, whose target has moved from Commie to Raghead. All designed to keep its core audience voting for the Republican Rednecks.
  • Nice to be able to say something good about Islam, which is "Damned nice buildings"
  • nicked from twitter:

    "Radical Islam also taking hold in Scottish Highlands & Islands, under influence of spiritual leader, Mullah Kintyre"

    Laughed out loud at that one as I am sitting at the Mull of Kintyre right now!
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  • Heard some "little Englander" in Gravesend town moaning about the big mosque the other day, and how he reckons it would be our taxes that paid for it.

    The small facts that the fantastic building is in fact a sikh temple, paid for entirely by the sikh community would've blown his silly argument out of the water if I could've been arsed to say anything, but really saw no point..........

    Best thing to happen to Gravesham was the building of that gurdwara, means you can now cut through Clarence Place without any problems with double parked cars
  • nicked from twitter:

    "Radical Islam also taking hold in Scottish Highlands & Islands, under influence of spiritual leader, Mullah Kintyre"

    Funny but it would have been better if it wasn't for the fact that the Mull of Kintyre is so far south it's almost in England.
  • I hope Jon Stewart reacts to this...
  • It is a shame British John Oliver is off air currently
  • Send him to Coventry
  • The pundit has now apologised for his remarks and has said that Birmingham "is a beautiful city."

    No need to replace one complete like with another.
  • Terrifying photo of how a typical Muslim from Birmingham guards the city gates against infidels. #foxnewsfacts

    — Pavilion Opinions (@pavilionopinion) January 11, 2015
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  • limeygent said:
    where do they find these so called experts? he should be stripped of any credentials to say he is an expert in anything bar being a complete moron.
  • I heard part of an interview on the radio with Emerson this evening. He said that, whilst he accepts 'full responsibility', the fault really lay with his researchers who misinformed him about the factual position. However, noble fellow that he is, he was not prepared to name them (not that he was asked to). What a complete tool. He did, however, stand by his assertion that there were areas of East London that were 'no go' areas for the authorities, as a result of the activities of Islamic extremists.
  • Blucher said:

    I heard part of an interview on the radio with Emerson this evening. He said that, whilst he accepts 'full responsibility', the fault really lay with his researchers who misinformed him about the factual position. However, noble fellow that he is, he was not prepared to name them (not that he was asked to). What a complete tool. He did, however, stand by his assertion that there were areas of East London that were 'no go' areas for the authorities, as a result of the activities of Islamic extremists.

    Do you think he misheard Lebanon as London?
  • Could be - it's a demanding old job with people talking into your ear all the time. His source for the assertion was material he had read in the English press, although he couldn't name any sources for that. Hmm....
  • I just wish all news organisations would put aside their political agenda's and tell the public the truth, and I include national broadcasters such as the BBC and the ABC in Australia. How 2000 odd innocents being slaughtered in Nigeria by Muslim extremists isn't considered newsworthy is beyond me.
  • Nas - Sly Fox (with lyrics):
  • I just wish all news organisations would put aside their political agenda's and tell the public the truth, and I include national broadcasters such as the BBC and the ABC in Australia. How 2000 odd innocents being slaughtered in Nigeria by Muslim extremists isn't considered newsworthy is beyond me.

    Fair enough, though the BBC has covered the northern Nigeria stuff quite a bit, which you'd expect given they have several services in the local languages like Hausa, (part of Britain's "soft power") and there's a large Nigerian community here. They've also done some reporting on the backlash across Europe, where mosques and kebab shops have been bombed.

    I still never feel I'm getting the full picture, though, because any reporting involves a degree of filtering out some facts. Or in the case of Fox, filtering out all facts. It is, however, great that there are other sources that can challenge this immediately, (and humourously) as has happened in this case.

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