I need advice, fellow Lifers...
Now, I've never been accused of this before other than the occasional unintelligible mutterings that I'm sure everyone does.
But Mrs D just told me that I spoke very clearly to her in the middle of last night. She says I said "If you're going to fart then get out of the bed, you c**t".
Now, I have no recollection at all of this, and it is pretty out of character as I am not given to extreme swearing often, and use of the c word is less than once in a blue moon, and then never in front of her. Apparently, she had actually just let rip, which adds credence to her story, but she gave me the benefit of the doubt otherwise I would have been a corpse this morning.
Question is, does this sound plausible? Would someone act so out of character in their sleep? Was I dreaming I was in bed with Roland (ugh) or Katrien (mmmm, even if she does lie)? Any experts out there able to put my mind at rest?
I'm an expert by the way.
The missus said I sounded angry when I said it though so she let me off!
'Squeeze' they said, so I did and an egg came out. I was so proud I could feel another one ready to be laid. So I squeezed some more. And a volley of eggs were dropped upon a nice straw bed. Steaming fresh.
Shat the fucken bed hadn't I
Her two favourites were when I was beating my chest like Tarzan repeatedly shouting out 'I am a winner', and the other time she woke up and I was laughing, saying 'dad, dad, have a look at the tits on that dad, massive tits' whilst doing the hand signs weighing melons.
Interestingly though, she says I am inclined to occasionally sleep-talk to her in an uncharacteristically formal manner (but without the expletives). Imagine, if you can, a character from Brief Encounter talking as if to a stranger on the train, saying "Would you mind very much moving back to your side of the bed please? I'm a little too warm". Odd.
A friend of mine once woke at about 4am and said , "Bloody hell, Look at the time, I must get home."
He was in bed with his wife (now ex-wife) at the time and she wasn't best pleased!