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ITV News tonight

Did I just see a pedestrian knocked down by a motor bike in the background outside St Pancras station while a reporter was giving a live update on the Channel Tunnel disruption? Did anyone else see it?


  • What, just behind the reporter?
  • Sadly I recorded the news and replayed it as I was listening to it. I replayed and yes sadly you did see the bike run him over. Knocked him up in the air. The pedestrian had a suitcase next to me. I am praying the suitcase took the main impact. The pedestrian was knocked flying up in the air. Hope the pedestrian is ok. A taxi driver just went round the pedestrian first. Obviously the rider not watching properly
  • Someone was killed on the roundabout outside Clancys yesterday evening at about 5.30.
  • reporter was very professional, people running around behind her afterwards and she carried on
  • Bike was already on the deck, sliding.
    Accident stage left?
  • And someone sitting at home watching tv actually dialled 999 to report at as an RTA and an ambulance was sent!
  • Thanks guys - I thought I may have been hallucinating! Hope the pedestrian will be OK.
  • Thanks guys - I thought I may have been hallucinating! Hope the pedestrian will be OK.

    ..and that his ~Royal Doulton tea set in his bag survived...
  • Ria Chatterjee has tweeted that both pedestrian and motorcyclist are fine. No news on the tea set though.

  • Sponsored links:

  • Smashing news.
  • As it was on the ROLLING News, It should be an open and shut case.

    You can't beat live TV.
  • As it was on the ROLLING News, It should be an open and shut case.

    On your bike fella!
  • reporter was very professional, people running around behind her afterwards and she carried on

    Or completely oblivious to the fact there's a real news story happening right behind her...........
  • I wonder if the sight of the tv camera & lighting distracted the rider and caused the crash.
  • I wonder if the sight of the tv camera & lighting distracted the rider and caused the crash.

    The fact that the guy walked out in front of him didn't help.
  • Reckon more likely he dropped the bike trying to brake and turn to avoid the guy who walked into the road and stopped. Bikes don't just fall over. Looks like its one of those pedestrianised roads shared by people and vehicles.
  • Reckon more likely he dropped the bike trying to brake and turn to avoid the guy who walked into the road and stopped. Bikes don't just fall over. Looks like its one of those pedestrianised roads shared by people and vehicles. going too fast.
  • Reckon more likely he dropped the bike trying to brake and turn to avoid the guy who walked into the road and stopped. Bikes don't just fall over. Looks like its one of those pedestrianised roads shared by people and vehicles. going too fast.
    AKA...pedestrian dithering and going too slow.........
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