Being a bit bored with the witty 'Charlton have let me down and I'm going to be whimsical' threads I thought I'd see if anyone shares my feelings about traffic light sequences.
Currently it's red, red and amber, green, amber, red.
I think it should be red, green, amber, red. Thus stopping the jumping of reds from stationery vehicles.
What do you think? Is this worth a Government petition?
Thank you.
Anyway them little fucker midget lights that are groupies for the irishmen digging holes, they're the dodgy ones...don't upset them coz they got wheels and will chase ya!
Anyway OP's idea would save a bit on electricity - not having two bulbs on at once.
My main gripe with them is that 9 out of 10 traffic-light controlled junctions I go through regularly would be much better as roundabouts. As for roundabouts that are also controlled by traffic lights...whoever came up with that gem should be shot, then shot again.
Traffic Lights, hmmm!
My 5 year old Nephew is obsessed with them but he's Scottish!
Canary Wharf leads the world in traffic light design take your nephew to see these suckers!