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What colour is this?

edited February 2015 in Not Sports Related
Just seen this on twitter. People are trying to figure out what colours this dress is, some say black and blue , others say gold and white. So... what combination of colours is this dress?



  • It's gold and white taken in very poor lighting.
  • See to me it is black and blue.
  • How could it possibly be black and blue. It has the colours gold and white on it
  • edited February 2015
    People haven't shut up all night about this on twitter. Gold and White.....
  • yellow and green
  • Sponsored links:

  • Taupe and heliotrope.
  • The colours are "I don't" and "care"
  • This is one of the main reasons twitter is absolute shite
  • Trending on twitter... Getting attention about dress colours... It's clearly our ecru and black new third kit.
  • More importantly, where have the bird who's wearing it arms gone (and tits for that matter)
  • Skid mark brown and lilac.
  • I thought it was interesting how two people can see exactly the same picture, completely differently. The fact that it's a dress is irrelevant.
  • Skid mark brown and lilac.

  • In that light, I'd say lavender and light brown (which could be golden brown I suppose). It's hideous either way.
  • edited February 2015
    What the f*ck.

    Have you changed the image? It's now black and blue to me. Completely black and blue.

    It was as light white as you could imagine earlier, with gold where the black is?

    Weird; I've looked online and can't find any alternative versions - so it must be the same image. I've messed about with my contrast settings and even held my duvet over my laptop (not at work because I feel shit.) - what the utter hell?
  • Sponsored links:

  • This feels like another sort of marketing stunt.

    Might check that pitch hire video again, check what the girl was wearing
  • LuckyReds said:

    What the f*ck.

    Have you changed the image? It's now black and blue to me. Completely black and blue.

    It was as light white as you could imagine earlier, with gold where the black is?

    Likewise. I don't think there's any "trick of the eye" thing here, it's just some time waster swapping pictures around.
  • edited February 2015
    CAFCdamo said:

    Just seen this on twitter. People are trying to figure out what colours this dress is, some say black and blue , others say gold and white. So... what combination of colours is this dress?


    it loads as black and blue on pc then as White and gold on phone?
  • Dazzler21 said:

    CAFCdamo said:

    Just seen this on twitter. People are trying to figure out what colours this dress is, some say black and blue , others say gold and white. So... what combination of colours is this dress?


    it loads as black and blue on pc then as White and gold on phone?
    Good shout but I've already checked that. Was white and gold on my phone last night and black and blue on my phone this morning.
  • Blue and browny gold.
  • 200 thousand people voting on this shit?
  • Clearly black and blue to me
  • LuckyReds said:

    What the f*ck.

    Have you changed the image? It's now black and blue to me. Completely black and blue.

    It was as light white as you could imagine earlier, with gold where the black is?

    Weird; I've looked online and can't find any alternative versions - so it must be the same image. I've messed about with my contrast settings and even held my duvet over my laptop (not at work because I feel shit.) - what the utter hell?

    Weird. Same thing happened to me. Looked at it earlier: gold and white. Just checked again: black and blue!
  • Black and Blue but it was white and gold. Has the picture been changed ?
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