This is a public info film. The video is designed to shock idiots that do text when driving. Not least when the video reaches 1m 58s where the little girl wants her mummy and daddy to wake up. this is true and things like this have happened in the past.
"I'm sorry Jimmy, I cannot find a swimming pool in your area."
Also, this.
It's a fair enough message, not personally convinced these staged shock videos have much impact though.
I don't know how people can feel in control of a car when they're reading facebook
Siri is a saviour for not texting whilst driving for many, just to hold the button and ask it to do something can be good. It can also annoy you when it doesn't get it right but overall it saves you not having to put your eyes on your phone.
Also whats with the red car? Ages away to see the accident and also driving on the other side of the road. I know it's to add impact but was they texting too? Bit stupid.
And as for those morons that wear headphones while driving thus blocking out the information provided by background noise - like from a motorbike in a blindspot for example. Utter stupidity - what are they thinking?