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L/Cpl Joshua Leakey VC

How must his family be feeling today...Hero!


  • Magnificent , such courage, and so humble with it.
    Good on you Josh.
  • Terrific .. read his wiki entry .. it is very interesting
  • Terrific .. read his wiki entry .. it is very interesting

    A great read. Very descriptive. You can almost imagine it as it unfolds. We truly do have an awesome armed forces

  • What an amazing thing to do, the courage shown in the heat of battle a wonderful modest man. Thank you
  • That is incredible
  • Very brave man.
  • Truly jaw dropping.
  • brogib said:

    How must his family be feeling today...Hero!

    Probably a mix of heart-bursting pride and (as he's still serving) worry that he'd do it again. Incredibly brave man!
  • A truly brave man. Our armed forces really are the salt of the earth.
  • A real heroe.
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  • A truly brave man. Our armed forces really are the salt of the earth.

    He may be brave but to extrapolate anything else from that is a real stretch.
  • iainment said:

    A truly brave man. Our armed forces really are the salt of the earth.

    He may be brave but to extrapolate anything else from that is a real stretch.
    Dont understand your statement.

    Like all VC winners seem to be, and I have spent time with three, very humble, and a result of excellent training.
  • iainment said:

    A truly brave man. Our armed forces really are the salt of the earth.

    He may be brave but to extrapolate anything else from that is a real stretch.
    Dont understand your statement.

    Like all VC winners seem to be, and I have spent time with three, very humble, and a result of excellent traini Or ng.
    I am sure they were, but VC winners are by definition exceptional. There may very well be plenty serving today without the courage and compassion that these brave few display; though I personally have a great regard for our armed services any organisation of that size is going to have the odd wrong 'un, sad to say. We're lucky that they seem to be very rare.
  • A truly inspiring series of actions, and amazing that as a Lance Corporal he took control and obviously saved lives. I would like to hear from the American Officer who he rescued, and will be disappointed if we don't. Interesting to note the military history of the family.
  • I recently spent a day at The Imperial War Museum where they have a whole area dedicated to George Medal and Victoria Cross winners and every one of those awards are remarkable in their own right. The award of a VC is extremely rare and for the recipient to survive is even rarer so the actions of Lance Corporal Leaky were truely astounding I don't think any of us (thankfully) have any idea what it must be like to be under intense machine gun fire and yet have the courage to run in amongst it save lives and give his comrades the chance to fight back. Fantastic what a man!
  • A truly brave man. Our armed forces really are the salt of the earth.

    Indeed. (But with tongue in cheek) this one was privately educated and would, therefore, be an individual worth nothing more than spite and vitriol if he'd happened to have another profession, like member of parliament for example.
  • edited April 2015
    Absolutely a Hero it's how they put it that really makes it sound super heroic though:

    Under fire yet undeterred by the very clear and present danger, Lance Corporal Leakey ran across the exposed slope of the hill three times to initiate casualty evacuation, re-site machine guns and return fire. His actions proved the turning point, inspiring his comrades to fight back with renewed ferocity. Displaying gritty leadership well above that expected of his rank, Lance Corporal Leakey's actions singlehandedly regained the initiative and prevented considerable loss of life.

    (think they should have added 'to allied forces' at the end as eleven people were still killed)
  • edited April 2015
    Wow just wow
  • Most of our soldiers are trained to act as he did. When the shit goes down, few keep a calm head to remember what they've been trained to do and even fewer have the stones to put it into action. Well done that man. Fully deserves the recognition.............
  • Very, very brave.
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  • Our soldiers truly are the best in the world and show remarkable courage when called upon, I think they deserve more respect and recognition than than they get from this government.
  • His story has remarkable similarity to what my great granddad done during ww1 and he received the military cross, it's astonishing to realise that we still have such bravery in the army today
  • iainment said:

    A truly brave man. Our armed forces really are the salt of the earth.

    He may be brave but to extrapolate anything else from that is a real stretch.
    You're saying that his actions aren't common across the entire armed forces? Of course not or The VC would mean nothing. Don't use it to knock his non-VC colleagues though.
  • edited April 2015
    No I think he's saying that our Armed Forces are not the salt of the earth at a guess, even though every onne on the planet, friends and foes, know different!

    Up The PARAS!
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