Chippie in Charlton Village is top notch. Gave up buying the crap they serve up in the ground years ago.
The surprise is, that Belgian clubs operate like rugby clubs in this country - decent food and Belgian lager - and the fans arrive early, then stay late. I would have thought this mob would have brought that mentality with them. Perhaps that's what they are trying to do with Crossbars. Over charging for crap food ain't doing them any favours.
They are not chips- they are gourmet organic Belgian pomme-frites and you should be bloody grateful that Mr D goes to the trouble of feeding you losers at all.
Or was that a dink ?
The only different was one you eat and the other you guzzle!
1 chip into Tavern's, into Tavern's belly, 1 chip and his dog, Spot - into Tavern's belly.
The surprise is, that Belgian clubs operate like rugby clubs in this country - decent food and Belgian lager - and the fans arrive early, then stay late. I would have thought this mob would have brought that mentality with them. Perhaps that's what they are trying to do with Crossbars. Over charging for crap food ain't doing them any favours.
They are not chips- they are gourmet organic Belgian pomme-frites and you should be bloody grateful that Mr D goes to the trouble of feeding you losers at all.
Excellent value (for the owner) I say..
....sounds like Millwall are back
Last week I gave the young lad behind the till a £10 note, and his body language suggested I'd asked him to look after a bomb for me.
Are the staff new every week ?
I didn't queue that long at Wimbledon.
If you can count the number of Chips in a portion it's not enough .
Where's Len when you need him ? ;0)