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FIFA arrests- bribery allegations (ed Blatter to resign)



  • Fiiish said:

    It's probably a case of Blatter having more dirt on all the delegates who voted for him - the ones he has been helping out with mansions and luxury cars using money that should be for football purposes - money that has largely been provided by UEFA, those most against Blatter. It's an absolute farce. I really hope Platini follows through with his threat and leads UEFA to a new global footballing authority. There will need to be safeguards so nations run by corrupt despots with no footballing history don't have the same power as democratic nations that actually do care about the sport.

    I agree with you @Fiiish but Platini can't even control his own nation, as France voted for Blatter!
  • limeygent said:

    Is the voting secret, or can we find out who voted for him?

  • If there is no solidarity in UEFA there will be no boycott.

    The lunatics remain in full control of the asylum.

    Every one of us who believes that FIFA is corrupt and attends or tunes in to any FIFA sponsored event will remain part of the problem by allowing self-interest to trump morals.

    Hopefully the shermans will get him in the end.
  • Fifa press conference live on sky sports news.......
    So far a 'gloss over' ...... according to Blatter ' no impact'
    Dan Roan, now on..... why was it now not time for you to go.
    reply...... 'I am still the man to do this'
    David Gill not there....... brushes aside his remarks.......
    Will not go into the Warner bribe....... from Sky news question.......
    Quite breathtaking the 'sidestepping' of this individual.
    I think he is totally incapable of answering a question on this subject, with any sense of perspective as to the effect this has caused, or at least acknowledge it publicly.
    Guardian just claimed it is a 'cultural issue'...... under your watch. Blatter 'defiantly not'
    Frankly, no chance of this individual owning up to the situation in my opinion.
    Must be a 'media made conspiracy'...... poor Joe, nothing to blame him for?
  • edited May 2015
    We are using words like unbelievable, but wouldn't it be more unbelievable, knowing what we know about Blatter, if he acted any differently. Imagine the position of a prime minister if all of his cabinet were arrested on similar grounds - he woudl resign, but we know it is different with FIFA and Blatter. We have to endure with Blatter the biggest load of insincere bullsh*t in football history (his speech yesterday). For me, the simple reason he won't go is that all the dirt on him will come out then. To keep out of prison he needs to stay where he is. This is the man that could wreck world football.

    However, I suspect recent events will be a tipping point and it is going to be hard keeping all of this together.
  • Surprise surprise that France voted for Sepp,
  • Cheese-eating surrender monkeys , the lot of em.
  • Let's go fifa let's go let's go fifa let's go

    The Delia Smith moment of fifa
  • edited May 2015
    Beginning to form a begrudging respect for this despicable and clinically deluded man and the corrupt band wagon he has circled around him.

    Surely the FBI must be keeping some powder dry or they would of collared him with the rest the other day. Unfortunately, for one Blatter there will be at least half a dozen usual suspects lining up to replace him.

    Oh well, gave up on football years ago. Sad.

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  • He is either very good at his arse covering or they are very aware of his Teflon coat and until something indisputable is put on the table he won't be touched, one failed conviction on this and the whole prosecution falls into the bin
  • The usual US approach is to rack up as many charges as possible, threaten the accused with multiple lifetimes in prison and use that to extract a confession, additional evidence, etc.

    Expect those arrested so far to start blabbing about Blatter, assuming of course he done something the US authorities can get him for.
  • If there is something to find on Blatter then the US will find it. Once they get their teeth into something they don't let go. Especially that it's personal because of the shenanigans with the Qatar World Cup vote. This will be very interesting, to watch this unfold and see Blatter squirm.
  • Fiiish said:

    France has literally contributed nothing to humanity. Not sure why they are allowed to have their own country to be honest.

    Je suis d'accord avec Poissooon.
  • Fiiish said:

    France has literally contributed nothing to humanity. Not sure why they are allowed to have their own country to be honest.

    Their letters are good.

  • Great roads, piss poor services where the fuck did having no bog seat and expecting us sophisticated English to have a pony whilst sitting only on porcelain, you dirty bstds
  • My bird's French, you're all forgetting about French women. If that's not contributing to humanity, what is?
  • "Nicole"


    Great contribution to humanity
  • They will surely want to go for the big guy and bound to be no shortage of squealers in return for more lenient treatment. We all know Blatter is corrupt so he is in massive trouble. When he goes FIFA has to look at its systems so that another Blatter can't gain the power.
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  • They will surely want to go for the big guy and bound to be no shortage of squealers in return for more lenient treatment. We all know Blatter is corrupt so he is in massive trouble. When he goes FIFA has to look at its systems so that another Blatter can't gain the power.

    I tend to think it will be business as usual when Blatter finally gos.
    Those who voted for him will surly want to preserve the status quo.
  • He has the backing of Putin, says it all really...
  • Fiiish said:

    France has literally contributed nothing to humanity. Not sure why they are allowed to have their own country to be honest.

    To be fair, without Napoleon, Tchaikovsky wouldn't have written the 1812 Overture.
  • edited May 2015
    ditto Italy. But we should be criticising FIFA and Blatter, not nations on this thread.
  • Fiiish said:

    France has literally contributed nothing to humanity. Not sure why they are allowed to have their own country to be honest.

    I hope that I have fallen into another of your little woosh-traps that you so enjoy fooling around with. The French were/are pioneers in many fields including physics, chemistry, medicine, flight, photography, cinema and cycling. They invented many practical inventions including the spirit level, radial tyres, the pitot tube, pvc, neon lights, the sewing machine, the little black dress, the etch-a-sketch, the stethoscope, antibiotics, rabies vaccinations, tb vaccinations and the aspirin. They gave the world impressionist art, rococo and cubism. They have the finest cheeses, wines and, in my opinion, some beers that are better than their Belgian neighbours produce. And their best invention of all: about ⅓ of the English language (⅔ if you count the latin parts that were largely inherited from the French). Vive la France!
  • edited May 2015
    [oops, double post]
  • edited May 2015
    Stig said:

    Fiiish said:

    France has literally contributed nothing to humanity. Not sure why they are allowed to have their own country to be honest.

    I hope that I have fallen into another of your little woosh-traps that you so enjoy fooling around with. The French were/are pioneers in many fields including physics, chemistry, medicine, flight, photography, cinema and cycling. They invented many practical inventions including the spirit level, radial tyres, the pitot tube, pvc, neon lights, the sewing machine, the little black dress, the etch-a-sketch, the stethoscope, antibiotics, rabies vaccinations, tb vaccinations and the aspirin. They gave the world impressionist art, rococo and cubism. They have the finest cheeses, wines and, in my opinion, some beers that are better than their Belgian neighbours produce. And their best invention of all: about ⅓ of the English language (⅔ if you count the latin parts that were largely inherited from the French). Vive la France!
    I really need to make my jokes a lot less subtle. I should have accompanied it with a picture of the Antigallican.

    Although I love the fact you've included the Etch-a-Sketch as one of France's great achievements.

    I like this pattern we're building, I make a shite post and you post a nice succinct history lesson. Could be the makings of a show that I wouldn't watch.
  • Stig said:

    Fiiish said:

    France has literally contributed nothing to humanity. Not sure why they are allowed to have their own country to be honest.

    I hope that I have fallen into another of your little woosh-traps that you so enjoy fooling around with. The French were/are pioneers in many fields including physics, chemistry, medicine, flight, photography, cinema and cycling. They invented many practical inventions including the spirit level, radial tyres, the pitot tube, pvc, neon lights, the sewing machine, the little black dress, the etch-a-sketch, the stethoscope, antibiotics, rabies vaccinations, tb vaccinations and the aspirin. They gave the world impressionist art, rococo and cubism. They have the finest cheeses, wines and, in my opinion, some beers that are better than their Belgian neighbours produce. And their best invention of all: about ⅓ of the English language (⅔ if you count the latin parts that were largely inherited from the French). Vive la France!

    They also invented Munster cheese, so that offsets about half the stuff you mention in one go Stig... :wink:
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