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Supervolcano about to erupt...

Volcanoes are pretty cool. Everyone has seen volvanoes either up close or on TV. Often erupting and spewing molten rock and lava from the top of the volcano and causing pyroclastic flows - deadly walls of red hot gas, ash and molten rock flowing at speeds of more than 400mph. As long as you're far enough away from a volcanic eruption, you can marvel in its terrible, awesome beauty.

But supervolcanoes are an entirely different prospect - many thousands of times larger and more dangerous. A supervolcano is a volcano which can eject a mass of 1,000km3 - that's the equivalent of 240 cubic miles - of lava, molten rock, etc.

Most people know about the Yellowstone Caldera, which some people have estimated is now "overdue". It is 55km x 72km in area. But maybe fewer people know about the lake Toba Caldera, which is 100km x 30km in area. It's the site of the largest volcanic eruption on Earth in the last 25 million years. If it erupts - sorry, WHEN it erupts - it will shoot out an estimated 2,800km3 of rock, magma and lava. This will be sufficient to plunge the Earth into a nuclear winter for several years, reducing global temperatures to a mini ice age and wiping out several species - possibly including man.

Of course, we should have absolutely nothing to worry about whatsoever until and unless there is some volcanic activity monitored in the area.

One of the volcanoes in the vicinity of Toba has just started to erupt.

Exciting, huh?


  • We're all doomed
  • Chizz said:

    Most people know about the Yellowstone Caldera

    I would suggest most people do not know Yellowstone Caldera.

    Strange post.
  • Point of order, but one thing they're not is "cool". Bloody toastie in fact. Worse than putting your foot in a bath where you've left the hot tap on just a shade too long.
  • Fascinating stuff Chizz. Looks like this one has been brewing for four years and getting more powerful. Studied this stuff years ago. Must try brushing out the cobwebs and reading up again. Thanks, Tel.
  • Dont forget campi flegrei
  • oh and don't forget the Canaries will split and slide into the ocean inundating eastern USA.
  • We better hurry up and sign a striker, otherwise they'll be meltdown on here.
  • Sponsored links:

  • So this means I should go for a pint tonight?
  • Chizz said:

    Most people know about the Yellowstone Caldera

    I would suggest most people do not know Yellowstone Caldera.

    Strange post.
    If it ever comes up on pointless or the Chase then we know who to thank
  • What is a Nuclear Winter when it's at home?
  • I knew of Yellowstone. Didn't know about this one. There's also a huge fault line of the coast of Vancouver that would be catastrophic in terms of loss of human life for that part of the world if there were to be an earthquake of any substantial size. The earth's magnetic field is due to flip as well which would lead to some serious damage to our electrical system and the whole of society that relies on it, possible black outs, food supplies ruined and communication screwed. If you live in Miami you could be underwater very soon given rising sea levels, and how the land is structured underground over there. If you live further inland you are at risk of sinkholes in other parts of Florida.

    There's numerous NEOs that could change trajectory or orbit at any point and come crashing into earth as well.

    I enjoy all this stuff.
  • Nothing like a cheerful thread to keep us going until the season starts
  • 1StevieG said:

    What is a Nuclear Winter when it's at home?

    Christmas in chenobyl
  • edited June 2015
    Makes no odds to me. Read this thread and decided to take action...

    I have just been to the hot bird upstairs flat giving it the "We're all gonna die because of Chizz's super volcano, so how about one last bunk up?" she told me to fuck off!

    She'll regret it laying there in 6ft of volcanic soot and I'm the one who managed to bang one last one out in time, Ha!
  • Nuclear winter eh..oh well better buy a few more nice warm coats then.
  • Sponsored links:

  • So this means I should go for a pint tonight?

    yeah and have a king prawn phall. In the morning you'll have your own super volcano.
  • Dont forget to wear your tin helmets in the morning or you will face certain death.

    Keep a stock of Baked Beans in the shed.
  • Reckon our new pitch will hold up well to a nuclear winter as we have under soil heating.
  • emailed work this evening to say I won't be in for the next 20 years.
  • Chizz said:

    Volcanoes are pretty cool. Everyone has seen volvanoes either up close or on TV. Often erupting and spewing molten rock and lava from the top of the volcano and causing pyroclastic flows - deadly walls of red hot gas, ash and molten rock flowing at speeds of more than 400mph. As long as you're far enough away from a volcanic eruption, you can marvel in its terrible, awesome beauty.

    But supervolcanoes are an entirely different prospect - many thousands of times larger and more dangerous. A supervolcano is a volcano which can eject a mass of 1,000km3 - that's the equivalent of 240 cubic miles - of lava, molten rock, etc.

    Most people know about the Yellowstone Caldera, which some people have estimated is now "overdue". It is 55km x 72km in area. But maybe fewer people know about the lake Toba Caldera, which is 100km x 30km in area. It's the site of the largest volcanic eruption on Earth in the last 25 million years. If it erupts - sorry, WHEN it erupts - it will shoot out an estimated 2,800km3 of rock, magma and lava. This will be sufficient to plunge the Earth into a nuclear winter for several years, reducing global temperatures to a mini ice age and wiping out several species - possibly including man.

    Of course, we should have absolutely nothing to worry about whatsoever until and unless there is some volcanic activity monitored in the area.

    One of the volcanoes in the vicinity of Toba has just started to erupt.

    Exciting, huh?

    How far is this from Dartford, Chizz ?

  • Chizz said:

    Volcanoes are pretty cool. Everyone has seen volvanoes either up close or on TV. Often erupting and spewing molten rock and lava from the top of the volcano and causing pyroclastic flows - deadly walls of red hot gas, ash and molten rock flowing at speeds of more than 400mph. As long as you're far enough away from a volcanic eruption, you can marvel in its terrible, awesome beauty.

    But supervolcanoes are an entirely different prospect - many thousands of times larger and more dangerous. A supervolcano is a volcano which can eject a mass of 1,000km3 - that's the equivalent of 240 cubic miles - of lava, molten rock, etc.

    Most people know about the Yellowstone Caldera, which some people have estimated is now "overdue". It is 55km x 72km in area. But maybe fewer people know about the lake Toba Caldera, which is 100km x 30km in area. It's the site of the largest volcanic eruption on Earth in the last 25 million years. If it erupts - sorry, WHEN it erupts - it will shoot out an estimated 2,800km3 of rock, magma and lava. This will be sufficient to plunge the Earth into a nuclear winter for several years, reducing global temperatures to a mini ice age and wiping out several species - possibly including man.

    Of course, we should have absolutely nothing to worry about whatsoever until and unless there is some volcanic activity monitored in the area.

    One of the volcanoes in the vicinity of Toba has just started to erupt.

    Exciting, huh?

    but no where near as bad, as when my arse erupts!
  • Winter is coming... It lasted ten years last time. Is it possible for anyone to survive that?
  • If the experts have no idea when an eruption is going to happen, how comes it's overdue?

    More chance of being hit by a rogue meteorite............ According to some 'experts'.
  • I think different timescales are being used. Our lifetimes are so short they don’t register so it can be overdue and us, our children and our children’s children still have a decent chance of missing it. It will happen, but it could be tomorrow or in a thousand years. In terms of the age of the earth, a thousand years is nothing.
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