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Really winding me up at the moment, a few weeks ago it was the noises at night, have got an area that had a trampoline that i need to seed or turf over, but they keep digging the soil up with burrows , and are a right bugger , any tips?


  • Lion shit
  • Wee on it.
  • Wee on the lion shit
  • Oh god ive just been reminded of that programme I tuned into by mistake Tuesday... My Granny the Escort. when the 84 year old started talking about golden showers I had to turn off.
  • Anyone know where i can can get a silencer with a red sightliner to make them disappear, or failing that got relatives in the army?
  • Get the bloke who Charlton used for the Valley.. foxhunter.
  • .22 air rifle does the trick.
  • High powered air rifle, or hunt them.
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  • Run out into the garden with a shovel in your hand screaming like a banshee and give it to everything in sight. Hopefully, as well as the foxes you may get lucky and club a couple of pesky snakes.
  • It's ironic but when living in Barnehurst we could have at any one time four or five manky looking foxes sunning themselves at the end of the garden. They used to shit everywhere and it stank and was messy and horrible.

    Been living in Sussex now for over three years and not once had a fox in the garden. In fact very rarely do we even see a fox but if we do its a good looking fox, all bushy tail etc and it's now a pleasure to actually see one.

    Answer to your problem is move to the country.
  • Rizzo said:

    High powered air rifle, or hunt them.

    I tried that but the horses turned my back lawn into a mudbath, the dogs shat all over the garden and I then had to find drinks and nibbles for a couple of dozen toffs!

    Christ. How big is your garden?

    Have you tried Shetland ponies and midgets instead of a proper hunt? It's not as effective but is funny as f*ck and will pretty much halve the nibbles and drinks cost.

    You'll just have to take the lawn being demolished unless you know of any shady Irish fellas with a big pot of tarmac at the end of the rainbow.

  • Rizzo said:

    High powered air rifle, or hunt them.

    I tried that but the horses turned my back lawn into a mudbath, the dogs shat all over the garden and I then had to find drinks and nibbles for a couple of dozen toffs!

    Have you tried Shetland ponies and midgets instead of a proper hunt? It's not as effective but is funny as f*ck and will pretty much halve the nibbles and drinks cost.

    You've just given me a great idea for a niche market video shot.
  • Rizzo said:

    High powered air rifle, or hunt them.

    I tried that but the horses turned my back lawn into a mudbath, the dogs shat all over the garden and I then had to find drinks and nibbles for a couple of dozen toffs!

    Have you tried Shetland ponies and midgets instead of a proper hunt? It's not as effective but is funny as f*ck and will pretty much halve the nibbles and drinks cost.

    You've just given me a great idea for a niche market video shot.
    I'm pretty confident that it's been done before. A 'friend' told me....... :neutral:

  • It's ironic but when living in Barnehurst we could have at any one time four or five manky looking foxes sunning themselves at the end of the garden. They used to shit everywhere and it stank and was messy and horrible.

    Been living in Sussex now for over three years and not once had a fox in the garden. In fact very rarely do we even see a fox but if we do its a good looking fox, all bushy tail etc and it's now a pleasure to actually see one.

    Answer to your problem is move to the country.

    I live in Barnehurst now and Foxes are a proper pain in the arse. Cant stand the manky bastards.
  • Never see them out here out in the sticks. Go into North London where i work and there are shit loads.
  • Get a grass snake
  • edited June 2015
    Be like Francis Jeffers and put them in a box
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  • You lot should be honoured they are coming into your gardens etc. if you have a problem with them shitting everywhere just lay down the copious amounts torygraph you lot must have. Tory scumbags. All hail comrade fox.
  • Put up a sign saying 'you are on camera'.
  • It's ironic but when living in Barnehurst we could have at any one time four or five manky looking foxes sunning themselves at the end of the garden. They used to shit everywhere and it stank and was messy and horrible.

    Been living in Sussex now for over three years and not once had a fox in the garden. In fact very rarely do we even see a fox but if we do its a good looking fox, all bushy tail etc and it's now a pleasure to actually see one.

    Answer to your problem is move to the country.

    I live in Barnehurst now and Foxes are a proper pain in the arse. Cant stand the manky bastards.
    yup, when you're walking about in the early evening you see them everywhere.

    they've replaced the Crips and the Bloods in Barnehurst.
  • Human urine deters them (I think it's a territorial thing).

    So save it up in jugs & pour it around the area.

    If you know they come in over a certain wall or fence, put it there, to block their entry route.

    You could also chuck some pepper down, they won't like that.

    Finally. make sure there is no food there to attract them.
  • Really winding me up at the moment, a few weeks ago it was the noises at night, have got an area that had a trampoline that i need to seed or turf over, but they keep digging the soil up with burrows , and are a right bugger , any tips?

    Which Fox is it?

    Morgan Fox was digging up my garden the other day. I told him to "shoo" which did the trick.

    Have you tried that?
  • The absolute minimum round you wanna be using on a fox is a .222 Remington or maybe .22 Hornet (Both centrefire) and unless you've got an FAC and enough land with back cover you won't be using either. A .22 air rifle may do the job, but it's leaving too much to chance and is inhumane IMO. Something else to also think about is that if any pellet crosses your boundary fence and someone reports it, you gonna get nicked.
  • It's ironic but when living in Barnehurst we could have at any one time four or five manky looking foxes sunning themselves at the end of the garden. They used to shit everywhere and it stank and was messy and horrible.

    Been living in Sussex now for over three years and not once had a fox in the garden. In fact very rarely do we even see a fox but if we do its a good looking fox, all bushy tail etc and it's now a pleasure to actually see one.

    Answer to your problem is move to the country.

    I live in Barnehurst now and Foxes are a proper pain in the arse. Cant stand the manky bastards.
    It might be an idea to leave the foxes in the garden rather than stuffing them up your Aris.
  • Curb_It said:

    Get the bloke who Charlton used for the Valley.. foxhunter.

    Is he a gladiator too? Mayge he'll bring Jet & Rhino with him that should do it
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