I don't expect trump to be the nominee, I'm suggesting though, that all who are interested, watch the debates rather than the sound bytes that the media select for your consumption.
Why don't you provide us with a sound byte that proves he is not a racist idiot who would be a worthless shit without daddies money?
Prove a negative?
OK, provide a sound byte that proves he deserves respect and to be taken seriously?
You'll hear plenty from him in the next few weeks, all I'm suggesting is that you listen.
From the outset, I have been very critical of Trump on the birther question and have repeatedly called him a buffoon. Yet calling Trump a racial provocateur is a sure sign of intellectual laziness and descends the depths of disingenuousness. Trump has been a prominent public figure for decades. If he bore racial animus it would showed itself long ago. As misguided as Trump was to focus his attention on Obama's birth certificate, liberals are making the mistake of assuming that his criticism of President Obama is motivated solely by race.
With this in mind, how exactly is it "the politics of paranoia and intolerance" to ask President Obama to release his academic records? George W. Bush, Al Gore and John Kerry released their academic records. Why is it then unreasonable to demand the same of our current President?
Now there's no doubt that Trump is baiting Obama. But he isn't race-baiting. Trump isn't going after Obama because of the color of his skin but because of its thinness. After all, Trump now has Obama on the defensive. At this point, Trump would be a fool if he didn't demand that President Obama release his academic records.
Donald Trump can be called many things. A racist isn't one of them
The first election I get to vote in and Donald Trump is running.... Lmfao. Wish this was just a publicity stunt but the smug fuck thinks he knows how to fix the country. If either him or Scott Walker get anywhere close to winning, I will be on the first flight to London
He has no chance of getting the Republican nomination .. perhaps the 'campaign funds' are tax deductible, otherwise he is just wasting a shedload of money
Is this the same Donald Trump that gave a speech condemning China for swamping the USA with goods that could "just as easily be made in the USA" and the same speech saying how he would tax "the hell" out of those Chinese imports. The same Donald Trump who has a massive clothing line where all the garments are made in China ?
He's a tosser of the highest order. He will lose any credibility he does have if he engages in debate with any of the real politicians. Should be good spectator sport.
If you don't know much about the charming Mr Trump try to see the 2011 film You've Been Trumped where he basically tries to build a golf resort on Scottish homeowners land. The man is a pig.
Trump (like quite a few of the GOP guys standing) is just in it for the free publicity. And he needs to say outrageous things to get that publicity given that there are 30 or so candidates, some of whom are seriously nutty.
Jeb is a serious candidate with a good track record as Governor of Florida, fluent in Spanish. I'd make him a slight favourite for nomination if it wasn't for his name (people in the UK maybe don't realise just how much GWB is hated by the Republican right, not for the Iraq war but for the massive increases in public spending on his watch). Jindal, Paul, Cruz, Rubio and Christie are also serious candidates although my guess is that its between Bush and Rubio.
It's a shame there is so little talent in the Democratic Party at the moment. Hard to see who can really challenge Hillary, which isn't good for her campaign.
no, not that one. @Brogib lives in France so he could not possibly be watching the BBC :-) He's probably referring to Russia Today, which is freely available without a TV licence, or a brain.
.....this was payback for his role in the ludicrous 'Birther' movement in which Trump and assorted pituary retards from Fox News tried to claim that Obama was ineligible to be POTUS as he was 'born in Kenya.'
More than likely that one of the posters above still believes it.
no, not that one. @Brogib lives in France so he could not possibly be watching the BBC :-) He's probably referring to Russia Today, which is freely available without a TV licence, or a brain.
Our telly and box (English free view that my Mrs watched) got wacked by lightning a few weeks back and we ain't yet replaced it, and to be honest she has said she ain't missed it. I can honestly say that I personally have not watched more than 20 hours of tv in the last 5 and half years. If or when we do replace it, it will be with a French telly only box like we had when we first moved in (That also got wacked by lightning).
no, not that one. @Brogib lives in France so he could not possibly be watching the BBC :-) He's probably referring to Russia Today, which is freely available without a TV licence, or a brain.
Our telly and box (English free view that my Mrs watched) got wacked by lightning a few weeks back and we ain't yet replaced it, and to be honest she has said she ain't missed it. I can honestly say that I personally have not watched more than 20 hours of tv in the last 5 and half years. If or when we do replace it, it will be with a French telly only box like we had when we first moved in (That also got wacked by lightning).
Of course I'm just on a gentle wind-up, but did you know that if you were watching BBC on Freeview in France you were watching illegally?
More importantly did you know that the European Union would like it to be legal; however they are blocked by national governments who argue that its impossible because rights to especially sport and film don't allow for cross border screening?
so the so-called "all powerful" EU is trying to help you (like it helps you with roaming charges, naughty airlines cancelling flights, etc), but isn't as powerful as they are portrayed. Richard Scudamore and his chums at the FAPL, and in the UK government, are far more powerful on this matter.
Thought you'd be pleased to hear that.
But if you are interested I can explain how you can watch BBC (or ITV or C4) easily enough via a computer connected to your TV, and a decent internet connection. Then you can keep an eye on all that left wing bias :-)
no, not that one. @Brogib lives in France so he could not possibly be watching the BBC :-) He's probably referring to Russia Today, which is freely available without a TV licence, or a brain.
Our telly and box (English free view that my Mrs watched) got wacked by lightning a few weeks back and we ain't yet replaced it, and to be honest she has said she ain't missed it. I can honestly say that I personally have not watched more than 20 hours of tv in the last 5 and half years. If or when we do replace it, it will be with a French telly only box like we had when we first moved in (That also got wacked by lightning).
Of course I'm just on a gentle wind-up, but did you know that if you were watching BBC on Freeview in France you were watching illegally?
More importantly did you know that the European Union would like it to be legal; however they are blocked by national governments who argue that its impossible because rights to especially sport and film don't allow for cross border screening?
so the so-called "all powerful" EU is trying to help you (like it helps you with roaming charges, naughty airlines cancelling flights, etc), but isn't as powerful as they are portrayed. Richard Scudamore and his chums at the FAPL, and in the UK government, are far more powerful on this matter.
Thought you'd be pleased to hear that.
But if you are interested I can explain how you can watch BBC (or ITV or C4) easily enough via a computer connected to your TV, and a decent internet connection. Then you can keep an eye on all that left wing bias :-)
In that case, I'm gonna replace the free view box asap and leave it on BBC 1 24/7
Trump surrounds himself with people who tell him how great he is, so he doesn't realise what a **** he really is. Deluded to Michael Jackson proportions.
When on holiday in Italy I watched freeview channels through film on website - was that illegal? I didn't realise.
His hair is a great example - clearly nobody has told him how stupid it looks.
Surely he couldn't have made it through school looking like that without being called all sorts of things that would draw attention to his barnet? At my alma mater he'd have been absolutely slaughtered looking like that!
From the outset, I have been very critical of Trump on the birther question and have repeatedly called him a buffoon. Yet calling Trump a racial provocateur is a sure sign of intellectual laziness and descends the depths of disingenuousness. Trump has been a prominent public figure for decades. If he bore racial animus it would showed itself long ago. As misguided as Trump was to focus his attention on Obama's birth certificate, liberals are making the mistake of assuming that his criticism of President Obama is motivated solely by race.
With this in mind, how exactly is it "the politics of paranoia and intolerance" to ask President Obama to release his academic records? George W. Bush, Al Gore and John Kerry released their academic records. Why is it then unreasonable to demand the same of our current President?
Now there's no doubt that Trump is baiting Obama. But he isn't race-baiting. Trump isn't going after Obama because of the color of his skin but because of its thinness. After all, Trump now has Obama on the defensive. At this point, Trump would be a fool if he didn't demand that President Obama release his academic records.
Donald Trump can be called many things. A racist isn't one of them
Read more at http://spectator.org/blog/25894/trump-buffoon-yes-racist-no
against Dr Ben Carson.
I think he will wipe the floor with them.
He's a tosser of the highest order. He will lose any credibility he does have if he engages in debate with any of the real politicians. Should be good spectator sport.
Fully propaganda-ed up to the hilt. Like readers of certain UK newspapers.
He's also down with the kids
And has an impeccable memory and a strong grasp on the concept of irony
The man is a pig.
Jeb is a serious candidate with a good track record as Governor of Florida, fluent in Spanish. I'd make him a slight favourite for nomination if it wasn't for his name (people in the UK maybe don't realise just how much GWB is hated by the Republican right, not for the Iraq war but for the massive increases in public spending on his watch). Jindal, Paul, Cruz, Rubio and Christie are also serious candidates although my guess is that its between Bush and Rubio.
It's a shame there is so little talent in the Democratic Party at the moment. Hard to see who can really challenge Hillary, which isn't good for her campaign.
no, not that one. @Brogib lives in France so he could not possibly be watching the BBC :-) He's probably referring to Russia Today, which is freely available without a TV licence, or a brain.
More importantly did you know that the European Union would like it to be legal; however they are blocked by national governments who argue that its impossible because rights to especially sport and film don't allow for cross border screening?
so the so-called "all powerful" EU is trying to help you (like it helps you with roaming charges, naughty airlines cancelling flights, etc), but isn't as powerful as they are portrayed. Richard Scudamore and his chums at the FAPL, and in the UK government, are far more powerful on this matter.
Thought you'd be pleased to hear that.
But if you are interested I can explain how you can watch BBC (or ITV or C4) easily enough via a computer connected to your TV, and a decent internet connection. Then you can keep an eye on all that left wing bias :-)
; )
When on holiday in Italy I watched freeview channels through film on website - was that illegal? I didn't realise.