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Wireless Festival



  • After watching that video you can see which type of crowd it attracts. Shame really as a few idiots taint the name of the festival. Glad your daughters were OK.

    55 seconds in black bloke in blue vest goes to his pocket and pulls out a knife to go at the security. Scumbag

    Yep I noticed that, looked like the copper went to grab him to and all his mates realised what was happening.

    where the fuck were any other coppers???????
  • I did Wireless 2/3 years ago as a work event at Ticketmaster and there was no trouble whatsoever at the Olympic park, even during the more "gangster" acts such as ASAP Rocky. Don't know if it was worse because of Finsbury Park as a venue/worse policing? Definitely wouldn't let a few morons put you off something like that for good.

    55 seconds in black bloke in blue vest goes to his pocket and pulls out a knife to go at the security. Scumbag

    You can see the bloke pulling him away as soon as he went for the pocket, must've known he had something like a knife on him otherwise he wouldn't have pulled him out of it, this happens time and time again at every festival
  • People got shot at Glastonbury one year,
  • People got shot at Glastonbury one year,

    Peaky Blinders ?
  • One was a peaky , the other I think came from Bexleyheath or Blackheath , was around 93-94 or 95-96 can't remember exact date
  • I went to Wireless twice when it was at Hyde Park and had no trouble whatsoever. Girlfriend went when it was at the Olympic Park and then at Finsbury last year, again no trouble whatsoever. My opinions of it is that it is a pop festival, and the crowd have always been pretty tame.

    However what she said was that Finsbury is an awful venue. It's a pain in the arse to get it, it's a pain in the arse to get out of and it's not big enough to host something of that size. Police would do well to recommend that they move it to somewhere more suitable venue or lose it completely.
  • used to go v festival until the night we saw some prick set fire to a lads tent whilst people were inside it, it was the same year Eminem was there and there seemed to be a lot more tossers than usual there, been reading twice and never had any trouble and id certainly say that's a more lively festival riot sunday and all that.
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  • Glad they are ok. I'd been wondering.

    Get them into rock/indie. I've never seen an ounce of trouble, in 35 years of gigs.

    Lively, yes. Smoking joints, yes. On Saturday, at Noel Gallagher, at the Calling Festival. There were some scousers snorting cocaine, off of their phones. But I've never seen any trouble.

    Mental using your phone, wanna get yourself one of these.. Thinking of sticking a mirror to the back of version 2.0
  • Jokes aside I hope they are ok. Been to Glastonbury for the last 4 years and never seen any trouble, certain festivals deffinitely attract a certain crowd
  • I'm off to Reading festival this year and after these videos I wouldn't be surprised if it'll become something these meatheads will try and do again
  • I think you'll be fine at somewhere like Reading. Finsbury Park will always attract knobheads because of the surrounding areas. Man'dem crew innit.
  • Reading has one of the best reputations for crowd control and behaviour, as you can see by the FB post the page was called 'MandemOnTheWall' therefore they were probably celebrating the fact they got in for free, I find it hilarious that they're annoyed about the police interfering, some people bought those tickets for hundreds and just because a bunch of mindless tw*ts can undo a lock on a gate they think they're as entitled as the paying festival goers. Strange world we live in
  • Jarman said:

    CAFCsayer said:

    buckshee said:

    ads said:

    CAFCsayer said:

    I'd say definitely no... A lot of dick'eds about. Know they're not proper pits but if she walks into one could end up out for the count

    Really? So there's a risk of grown blokes indiscriminately hitting anyone just for being in their way at the wrong time?

    Have you seen the line up these days for wireless?

    Also as Nomadic points out it's a concert not a festival.

    I'd say president that if you're happy that your older daughter is mature enough to look after your younger one and you can trust them both then let them go.
    Yup... They're not going to be pits like you'd see at a rock festival but there still will be. I wouldn't want my sister going at that age
    Yep very true.
    Doesn't need to be a full blown rock band on stage for pits to emerge.
    Seen pits opening up for the likes of chase and status etc.. & now becoming popular on the live grime scene.
    Culture clash back in October was pit central when 'BBK' were performing
  • Reading is OK, just be prepared for absolute carnage to ensue on the Sunday night. Tents being blown up, lights being smashed etc.

    Have fun!
  • ok, when i arrived at pre-designated meet area at main gate i found my daughters and their friend running at me scared for what was going on around them, and had been going on around them for the latter part of the day. All they wanted to do was get to the car and lock the door. From what appeared to be a very white,teenage,girlie 'pop' festival at the beginning had become an aggressive,violent, mainly black crowd obviously intent on agitating,being aggressive and threatening to anything white around them.
    My daughters anecdotes were to see and experience threats, girls and guys being punched,threatened,mugged, and 'steaming' to front of stage by gangs of blacks.
    At mid-day the place was rammed with security and police...guess what, by the end of the day, all had disappeared and everyone was left to their own - not one Policeman or Security in sight - it was almost as if, 'we've already got your money, so thanks and goodbye'.
    The local pond-life obviously knew there would be no police presence, and ran havoc .
    Just so shocked,upset for my kids, and pissed off with the total lack of policing and security when it was needed.
    Iimplore anyone who has any thoughts of sending any of their children to this dump of a festival - dont do it,ever - if noone goes then this 'festival' collapses .
  • Shock!!!

    I'm glad they are back safe mate and I only wish you saw those videos before agreeing to let them go.
  • Even on the BBC news last night
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  • edited July 2015
    What on earth was all that 'party crashing' about?

    The youth of this nation are becoming scummier and braver by the day. Very worrying.

    We need the good parents to step up and ensure their kids continue to grow up the right way. Some are still doing it but it sadly seems to be less and less as each year passes.

    Just a warning @The_President people may get a bit funny at the black comments when all the media shows a clear mix of race involved in the majority of videos.

    I know you're only reporting what the kids said, but worth noting.
  • Its mob mentality.

    Were they surging inside the event or just outside in an attempt to get in?
  • They got in eventually.
  • Dazzler21 said:

    What on earth was all that 'party crashing' about?

    The youth of this nation are becoming scummier and braver by the day. Very worrying.

    We need the good parents to step up and ensure their kids continue to grow up the right way. Some are still doing it but it sadly seems to be less and less as each year passes.

    Just a warning @The_President people may get a bit funny at the black comments when all the media shows a clear mix of race involved in the majority of videos.

    I know you're only reporting what the kids said, but worth noting.

    Why should people get the hump? The large majority of the arseholes in the videos are young black men.
  • There are some very incorrect opinions in this thread based on nothing but stereotyping.
  • colthe3rd said:

    There are some very incorrect opinions in this thread based on nothing but stereotyping.

    What 'opinions' would they be Col? Genuine Question.
  • Assumptions that this sort of thing is common place at "hip hop" gigs or festivals is so far wide of the mark. Also trying to pretend that this sort of thing would never happen at a rock gig or festival is also incorrect. For example, I was at a hip hop festival in Holland on Saturday. There was absolutely no trouble at all, they didn't even have police there and I saw no security apart from at the entrance. Even hip hop gigs in this country, I see a lot less attitude from those attending than compared to a lot of rock gigs. The worst I've seen has been at Reading, the total destruction I've seen on a Sunday night is close to rioting, pulling down telegraph poles, setting fire to tents, dragging people out of their tents just to chuck them on the fire, people tipping over vans.

    What happened at Wireless isn't defendable but don't blame it solely on the type of music there or the type of people that music attracts (whatever that means).
  • colthe3rd said:

    Assumptions that this sort of thing is common place at "hip hop" gigs or festivals is so far wide of the mark. Also trying to pretend that this sort of thing would never happen at a rock gig or festival is also incorrect. For example, I was at a hip hop festival in Holland on Saturday. There was absolutely no trouble at all, they didn't even have police there and I saw no security apart from at the entrance. Even hip hop gigs in this country, I see a lot less attitude from those attending than compared to a lot of rock gigs. The worst I've seen has been at Reading, the total destruction I've seen on a Sunday night is close to rioting, pulling down telegraph poles, setting fire to tents, dragging people out of their tents just to chuck them on the fire, people tipping over vans.

    What happened at Wireless isn't defendable but don't blame it solely on the type of music there or the type of people that music attracts (whatever that means).

    Fair enough.
    I don't go to festivals and haven't been to any as a punter for 20 odd years, so it is interesting to read another opinion.
  • edited July 2015
    Only reported on what the kids told me - and what I saw with my own eyes.
  • Only reported on what the kids told me - and what I saw with my own eyes.

    I wouldn't worry The_President. We've been browbeaten to not speak the truth and look where it's got us.
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