My 3 year old got into Fireman Sam first but then discovered Peppa Pig and for a while those were the only things he'd watch. We moved him onto Ben & Holly after a while, which I secretly love (Wise Old Elf and Nanny Plum are hilarious) and he's recently discovered Paw Patrol, which is his current obsession. He's also quite fond of Little Princess.
My mum bought DVD's of Trumpton and Camberwick Green and he actually really likes them!
Frozen, melody, topsy and Tim for the four year old (the drive me up the wall). The one year old loves in the night garden. Off to see Mr maker live soon. He has a slappable face, but I get a few ideas from it to make some truly crap artwork.
My mum bought DVD's of Trumpton and Camberwick Green and he actually really likes them!
and I ain't joking..
"hmm..I know, Mongolian Throat Singing-Batzorig Vaanchig"
"Roll up your sleeves, give your hands a wash, use slippy dippy soap, splish splash splosh..."