Not sure you can call this a disease, but have/do any lifers have this problem, be interested in your own solution to it. Never thought much about it until I got it about a month ago. Thought it was just heartburn or indigestion but it's much, much more than that. Any help, suffering in Vancouver.
Went to the docs and he said I should cut back on beer and curry as this could cause extended bouts of it.
I decided to buy Gaviscon instead.
Ideally, eat little and often, rather than eating big meals. Chew your food, properly and drink lots of water.
I take Ranitidine (Zantac) 150mg, 3 times a day. It helps but doesn't stop it happening.
It is worse, when lying down, especially if you have a late meal. I have lots of pillows, so I can prop myself up and the acid won't flow "uphill", so easily.
I'm not the greatest lover of bananas....but then again Aniseed Gaviscon is not exactly Borolo either.
Sliced white bread also bloats me. So I avoid that now, because bloating makes your stomach bigger, which opens the passages, for the acid to come out of your stomach.
Spices eg curry/chilli I think also cause problems.
So reduce the above liquids, and/or drink water as well, which I find dilutes the acid.
2 pillows to keep your head up in bed also helps.
Gaviscon gets rid of it, but only for a few hours. So you have to take more.
Basically, if you do the above, things will improve, (but I don't often enough).
NB, I've heard that the acid can lead to throat cancer, so it's not just a small issue, if you have a permanent problem.
I had it pretty bad and It took a number of tests (endoscope down throat and into my stomach, a barium swallow/x-ray, ultrascan of gall bladder) to get a proper diagnosis. It then took a while to get the medicine and dosage right, but I've now been taking Omeprazole (on prescription) for years. Couple that with a sensible diet and a lower alcohol/caffeine/spicy food intake it seems to work. I do get the odd flare up (stress related), but Rennies/Gaviscon do the job when that happens.
Good luck.
i suppose i should add, i stopped drinking alcohol 10 years ago%(<<
Sir Glen Campbell
My doc also said to me, you need to cut out alcohol, stop smoking, avoid dairy and avoid citrus. He must have seen the look on my face, so suggested I choose one and go for it.
I miss lemons...
Carried the tablet form around in my pocket for a few years for emergencies!
I found work related stress was making my problem worse - sometimes I was so hyped up and tense, not chewing food properly and my throat muscles would sometimes spasm and I would have chest pains extending to my back and could barely swallow or breathe.
Change of job reduced the stress - couple that with relaxing and making sure I chewed my food properly and dieting and excercising for long enough to get my stomach down a bit.
Rarely get it at all now
Glad it got diagnosed early, because it seems horrible.
We used to have to syringe ranitidine and domperidone into her mouth several times a day, until she was about 2.