Seemed to be a problem confined to some stadium printed tickets - our home-printed tickets were fine. Quite a few people were queuing at the north ticket office to buy at kick-off time, which can happen at these sorts of games anyway.
We were let in manually (West Stand, exit). Not sure if that's because of any turnstile problems or because there were a couple of people just helping out to speed things up.
I got to the ground 15 minutes before kick-off and had to queue up in a long queue of people queuing up.There came a point when I didn't have to queue up in a long queue because I'd reached the front of the long queue. A charming and efficient young lady sold me tickets for myself and the lad and charged just £11. At the turnstile there was no queue, so I didn't have to queue up in a long queue.Another charming young lady then showed me how to scan the ticket, even though I'd worked out how to do that at the QPR game, and wished us a pleasant match day experience. I really think KM should stand up and take responsibility for this débâcle.
I couldn't get in using the printed ticket in the West Stand lower around 6.45. A chap in front of me was trying for ages with the staff to get his ticket to scan, and eventually a supervisor said it was a ticket printing issue. My ticket did not have the print issue though, but still would not work. Eventually three of us were let in the exit gate. Hope they got it sorted for later as woud have been a lot of frustration if that had been the case at 7.40!
However, I was able to get my season tickets at last! I found out that the problem was that my details were now logged under my christian name and not my surname! I was able to change the incorrectly issued seat for the one I renewed (they had to cancel the original booking and put through the transaction all over again), but at least it is now sorted (provided the season tickets actually work!).
RD out.
A charming and efficient young lady sold me tickets for myself and the lad and charged just £11.
At the turnstile there was no queue, so I didn't have to queue up in a long queue.Another charming young lady then showed me how to scan the ticket, even though I'd worked out how to do that at the QPR game, and wished us a pleasant match day experience.
I really think KM should stand up and take responsibility for this débâcle.
However, I was able to get my season tickets at last! I found out that the problem was that my details were now logged under my christian name and not my surname! I was able to change the incorrectly issued seat for the one I renewed (they had to cancel the original booking and put through the transaction all over again), but at least it is now sorted (provided the season tickets actually work!).
Roly out.