Anyone else going to this? It's my birthday on the 18th and I am being treated by my wife & son.
They have 18 Spitfires and 6 Hurricanes flying 75 years to the day the Battle of Britain reached its height so should be quite a day.
My grandfather was ground crew with 19 Squadron throughout the war and I grew up with him taking me to see airshows in the 70's so it will be quite an emotional day all round. if your not inside there should be some impressive sights across SE London & Kent next Tuesday
21 Spits, 5 Hurricanes and 2 109's plus loads more.
The Display by 558 on the Saturday at Fairford was the best I'd seen since she came back. Proper Howl and roar compared to the one two years ago when she displayed about 5 miles from the airfield (or so it seemed). It was a bit more sedate on the sunday as Kev Rumens (pilot) had a bit of a ticking off.
It's only a flypast at Herne Bay, not a full display. If you get a chance to see her though take it.
I've only ever seen a Vulcan once and that was when one flew over my primary school in about 78/79. Everyone in the playground stopped what they were doing and watched it.
Anyway, we just made it to the top of the hills/mountains on those winding Welsh roads, and a Vulcan doing a slow pass,as we came round the bend........ turned on the 'after burners'..... The noise and vibration was like an earth quake. Thank god it was not at night !
We have much to thank them for.
Also for me very nostalgic as my God Mother served there as ground crew during the war.
They had a couple in the air throughout the day along with a Mustang and Curtis P40.