See, now we're getting some of the anger I was expecting of people - but it's all reasonable anger! My plan, when I eventually build up the courage to drive on a motorway, is to pretty much stick to the left-hand lane. ...right?
Anyone who hogs the outside or middle lanes when the inside lane is clear, should be escorted off the motorway at the next junction, put up against a wall and shot. They are a social menace and should be treated as such.....BTW....Im thinking of getting into politics, would that be a vote winer?
I would vote for you but I have just been caught driving in the outside lane at 50 mph and am now about to be shot!
See, now we're getting some of the anger I was expecting of people - but it's all reasonable anger! My plan, when I eventually build up the courage to drive on a motorway, is to pretty much stick to the left-hand lane. ...right?
No left! (Sorry had to be done!). Sorry Smiffy didnt see your post!
Anyone who hogs the outside or middle lanes when the inside lane is clear, should be escorted off the motorway at the next junction, put up against a wall and shot. They are a social menace and should be treated as such.....BTW....Im thinking of getting into politics, would that be a vote winer?
I would vote for you but I have just been driving in the outside lane at 50 mph and am about to be shot!
I'm looking forward to the day when all cars have automatic driving capability. When they do, autopilot should be mandatory on all motorways and trunk roads. That way all three lanes could be utilised simultaneously and everyone could travel travel completely uninterrupted at exactly 70mph (or theoretically even more) with no accidents or phantom tailbacks to slow the journey. Middle lane hoggers would no longer be a problem and we'd no longer have to hear the constant whining of the self-appointed lane control stazi.
Now then, what was that novel where your tyres get shredded if you don't drive at exactly the right speed?
Anyone who hogs the outside or middle lanes when the inside lane is clear, should be escorted off the motorway at the next junction, put up against a wall and shot. They are a social menace and should be treated as such.....BTW....Im thinking of getting into politics, would that be a vote winer?
with you and nla in politics this country would be a lot better off.
I'm looking forward to the day when all cars have automatic driving capability. When they do, autopilot should be mandatory on all motorways and trunk roads. That way all three lanes could be utilised simultaneously and everyone could travel travel completely uninterrupted at exactly 70mph (or theoretically even more) with no accidents or phantom tailbacks to slow the journey. Middle lane hoggers would no longer be a problem and we'd no longer have to hear the constant whining of the self-appointed lane control stazi.
Now then, what was that novel where your tyres get shredded if you don't drive at exactly the right speed?
As already stated... Be aware of your surrounding and ensure that you know what the Speed Limit needs to be for that road and not what you think it should be.
As for other drivers behind you, let them get pissed off, at the end of the day you've got to ensure that you drive whilst doing the speed limit yet you cant let someone else endanger your life (As the prick will always walk away from an accident without injuries).
If you find that ignoring people behind doesnt work and that they constantly tailgate you, I usually drop my speed by about 5 / 10 mph for a few minutes before speeding back up, it usually sends a clear message and they'll back off (If not I just do it again)
Congratulations on passing your test Powell is Pleasant - never drive faster than you are comfortable with and always take road conditions into account. In heavy rain you may need to drive a lot lower than the speed limit and must leave a greater distance between you and the vehicle in front.
I hope you have been taught to drive properly on a motorway or 3/4 lane road; so many these days don't appear to have a clue how to drive on these roads. Always drive in the left hand lane and only move into other lanes if overtaking. When you have overtaken, move back to the left.
People don't seem to realise that if they are being undertaken, they THEY are in the wrong lane. The driving on the 4 lane A2 drives me crazy. Why do people feel the need to drive in lanes 3 and 4 when the lanes to their left are clear? The Police could have a field day in fining lane hoggers if there were enough of them about.
Congratulations on passing your test Powell is Pleasant - never drive faster than you are comfortable with and always take road conditions into account. In heavy rain you may need to drive a lot lower than the speed limit and must leave a greater distance between you and the vehicle in front.
I hope you have been taught to drive properly on a motorway or 3/4 lane road; so many these days don't appear to have a clue how to drive on these roads. Always drive in the left hand lane and only move into other lanes if overtaking. When you have overtaken, move back to the left.
People don't seem to realise that if they are being undertaken, they THEY are in the wrong lane. The driving on the 4 lane A2 drives me crazy. Why do people feel the need to drive in lanes 3 and 4 when the lanes to their left are clear? The Police could have a field day in fining lane hoggers if there were enough of them about.
I find that the inside lane is often the 'fast lane' these days cos no bugger seems to want to use it! I happily zip along there and undertake pretty much everyone in the outside lane.
Congratulations on passing your test Powell is Pleasant - never drive faster than you are comfortable with and always take road conditions into account. In heavy rain you may need to drive a lot lower than the speed limit and must leave a greater distance between you and the vehicle in front.
I hope you have been taught to drive properly on a motorway or 3/4 lane road; so many these days don't appear to have a clue how to drive on these roads. Always drive in the left hand lane and only move into other lanes if overtaking. When you have overtaken, move back to the left.
People don't seem to realise that if they are being undertaken, they THEY are in the wrong lane. The driving on the 4 lane A2 drives me crazy. Why do people feel the need to drive in lanes 3 and 4 when the lanes to their left are clear? The Police could have a field day in fining lane hoggers if there were enough of them about.
Are we the same person under separate log ins?
You have described the A2 perfectly!
We obviously think the same way LG!
What worries me is that as SO many people drive like this. I can only believe that driving instructors are not teaching people how to drive correctly on 3 or 4 lane roads.
Congratulations on passing your test Powell is Pleasant - never drive faster than you are comfortable with and always take road conditions into account. In heavy rain you may need to drive a lot lower than the speed limit and must leave a greater distance between you and the vehicle in front.
I hope you have been taught to drive properly on a motorway or 3/4 lane road; so many these days don't appear to have a clue how to drive on these roads. Always drive in the left hand lane and only move into other lanes if overtaking. When you have overtaken, move back to the left.
People don't seem to realise that if they are being undertaken, they THEY are in the wrong lane. The driving on the 4 lane A2 drives me crazy. Why do people feel the need to drive in lanes 3 and 4 when the lanes to their left are clear? The Police could have a field day in fining lane hoggers if there were enough of them about.
Are we the same person under separate log ins?
You have described the A2 perfectly!
We obviously think the same way LG!
What worries me is that as SO many people drive like this. I can only believe that driving instructors are not teaching people how to drive correctly on 3 or 4 lane roads.
My personal theory, based on observation over many miles, is that increasing numbers of people now have international driving licences and thus have not been taught to drive in the UK which might influence how they have learned to drive and thus their driving behaviour.
Anyone who hogs the outside or middle lanes when the inside lane is clear, should be escorted off the motorway at the next junction, put up against a wall and shot. They are a social menace and should be treated as such.....BTW....Im thinking of getting into politics, would that be a vote winer?
Shot, yes. After you've burned their Millwall season ticket.
I find that the inside lane is often the 'fast lane' these days cos no bugger seems to want to use it! I happily zip along there and undertake pretty much everyone in the outside lane.
Well thats all right for you then, the fact that its dangerous isnt a worry, or the consideration of everyone else isnt an issue?
Just remember if you get a speeding ticket, it is absolutely not your fault, and is instead a conspiracy to drain money from hard working white middle aged men to give to benefits cheats, foreigners and lesbians
As a Polish lesbian on benefits I resent that statement!.
I find that the inside lane is often the 'fast lane' these days cos no bugger seems to want to use it! I happily zip along there and undertake pretty much everyone in the outside lane.
Well thats all right for you then, the fact that its dangerous isnt a worry then, or the consideration of everyone else isnt an issue?
Not for me it isn't, the middle lane hoggers show no consideration at all, in fact lets say Im in the inside lane, where I should be, I then want to overtake a lorry in my lane, but there is a middle lane twat in the way (who is breaking the law, and is dangerous) so I have to go into the outside lane to over take the hogger (good word) and the original lorry in the inside lane, thats just crazy, but thats the reality. So no I dont have any consideration for the selfish tools that drive in the middle lane.
Learner drivers are not allowed on motorways, so they pass the test without ever driving on one.
Yes but there are a number of trunk roads up to motorway standard. Any half decent instructor should get a learner on to one of these. The Swanley bypass was one of the first I believe.
I passed my driving test over 30 years ago, but I regularly drove on the A2 around the Gravesend area so was fully prepared when I first drove on a motorway.
I find that the inside lane is often the 'fast lane' these days cos no bugger seems to want to use it! I happily zip along there and undertake pretty much everyone in the outside lane.
Well thats all right for you then, the fact that its dangerous isnt a worry, or the consideration of everyone else isnt an issue?
I was going to reply but Greenie said pretty much exactly what I was going to say. If there's room for me to undertake you then you're in the wrong lane.
Learner drivers are not allowed on motorways, so they pass the test without ever driving on one.
Yes but there are a number of trunk roads up to motorway standard. Any half decent instructor should get a learner on to one of these. The Swanley bypass was one of the first I believe.
There's also the pass plus course where you have to drive on a motorway, drive at night etc with an instructor. I did it when I first passed and was a great help. Also helps getting your insurance premium down.
Just to clarify, it is illegal to drive on a motorway until you have passed your test. If you want to learn, you need to take extra lessons after you've passed, or get someone to go with you on a motorway and tell you what to do.
However, as cafcfan says, there are ways you can be prepared. For example, as part of my lessons, I did some driving on a 70mph 3-lane road. Not technically a motorway, but still good preparation.
Actually, thinking about it, I didn't cover that in my lessons - I drove that road for the first time during the test!
I find that the inside lane is often the 'fast lane' these days cos no bugger seems to want to use it! I happily zip along there and undertake pretty much everyone in the outside lane.
Well thats all right for you then, the fact that its dangerous isnt a worry, or the consideration of everyone else isnt an issue?
I was going to reply but Greenie said pretty much exactly what I was going to say. If there's room for me to undertake you then you're in the wrong lane.
I find that the inside lane is often the 'fast lane' these days cos no bugger seems to want to use it! I happily zip along there and undertake pretty much everyone in the outside lane.
Well thats all right for you then, the fact that its dangerous isnt a worry, or the consideration of everyone else isnt an issue?
I was going to reply but Greenie said pretty much exactly what I was going to say. If there's room for me to undertake you then you're in the wrong lane.
Thats true but it doent make it right, the problem is people rarely check the nearside mirror before switching lanes, and this makes it risky, plus you piss off all those who are driving correctly.
I find that the inside lane is often the 'fast lane' these days cos no bugger seems to want to use it! I happily zip along there and undertake pretty much everyone in the outside lane.
Well thats all right for you then, the fact that its dangerous isnt a worry, or the consideration of everyone else isnt an issue?
I was going to reply but Greenie said pretty much exactly what I was going to say. If there's room for me to undertake you then you're in the wrong lane.
Thats true but it doent make it right, the problem is people rarely check the nearside mirror before switching lanes, and this makes it risky, plus you piss off all those who are driving correctly.
Hang on a minute? How am I pissing off those driving correctly? The only people who could reasonably be pissed off at me undertaking them are those who are in the wrong lane, ie not driving correctly.
And yes, I am aware that I am also not driving correctly by undertaking them.
Now then, what was that novel where your tyres get shredded if you don't drive at exactly the right speed?
As for other drivers behind you, let them get pissed off, at the end of the day you've got to ensure that you drive whilst doing the speed limit yet you cant let someone else endanger your life (As the prick will always walk away from an accident without injuries).
If you find that ignoring people behind doesnt work and that they constantly tailgate you, I usually drop my speed by about 5 / 10 mph for a few minutes before speeding back up, it usually sends a clear message and they'll back off (If not I just do it again)
I hope you have been taught to drive properly on a motorway or 3/4 lane road; so many these days don't appear to have a clue how to drive on these roads. Always drive in the left hand lane and only move into other lanes if overtaking. When you have overtaken, move back to the left.
People don't seem to realise that if they are being undertaken, they THEY are in the wrong lane. The driving on the 4 lane A2 drives me crazy. Why do people feel the need to drive in lanes 3 and 4 when the lanes to their left are clear? The Police could have a field day in fining lane hoggers if there were enough of them about.
You have described the A2 perfectly!
What worries me is that as SO many people drive like this. I can only believe that driving instructors are not teaching people how to drive correctly on 3 or 4 lane roads.
So no I dont have any consideration for the selfish tools that drive in the middle lane.
If you want to learn, you need to take extra lessons after you've passed, or get someone to go with you on a motorway and tell you what to do.
However, as cafcfan says, there are ways you can be prepared. For example, as part of my lessons, I did some driving on a 70mph 3-lane road. Not technically a motorway, but still good preparation.
Actually, thinking about it, I didn't cover that in my lessons - I drove that road for the first time during the test!
And yes, I am aware that I am also not driving correctly by undertaking them.