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Upcoming Video Games thread



  • Just smashed through Spiderman: Miles Morales - Good game but not a patch on the first game, £50 was a lot for what felt like DLC to be honest.

    Got Demon Souls to smash through before Christmas and then Cyberpunk. Hopefully by the time I play it the first big patch will have come to fix the most pressing issues
  • cafcpolo said:
    Whatever happened to the days where you could entice and then rob a hooker by running her over?
    Oh u can do that, but the one i robbed the ither day only had $14 on her 🤣🤣

    Hardly worth it lol.

    And the language when she is doing her business on line is so much worse than it the actual game lol
    I can’t b bothered with the gun running , it’s a good payout but in terms of income per hour , it’s vehicle/cargo supplies cocaine all day long.

    So does cocaine get you alot of money @Spitfire76 if so I may give that a try, to build it up a bit.

    Also with the repo jobs for Simeon is that something you can do as a single player, as I tried one a week ago when I first started online, and It needed like 3 other players lol
  • Finished God of War yesterday, would probably say it's the most enjoyable game I've played. Gonna spend a bit of time doing side missions before moving on to something else from the PS Plus Collection - can't decide on what yet though.

    Just smashed through Spiderman: Miles Morales - Good game but not a patch on the first game, £50 was a lot for what felt like DLC to be honest.

    Got Demon Souls to smash through before Christmas and then Cyberpunk. Hopefully by the time I play it the first big patch will have come to fix the most pressing issues
    Have you played a souls game before? I like the idea of giving Demon Souls a go but I don't wanna spend so much on something I might give up on within the hour.

  • Yep, parade next to the (now closed) Charcoal, on road from Sidcup to New Eltham 
  • Finished God of War yesterday, would probably say it's the most enjoyable game I've played. Gonna spend a bit of time doing side missions before moving on to something else from the PS Plus Collection - can't decide on what yet though.

    Just smashed through Spiderman: Miles Morales - Good game but not a patch on the first game, £50 was a lot for what felt like DLC to be honest.

    Got Demon Souls to smash through before Christmas and then Cyberpunk. Hopefully by the time I play it the first big patch will have come to fix the most pressing issues
    Have you played a souls game before? I like the idea of giving Demon Souls a go but I don't wanna spend so much on something I might give up on within the hour.

    Bloodbourne is the only Soulsbourne game I have played but I loved it, a good level of challenge. Its tough but when I died most of the time I felt it was my fault for not playing well enough rather than the game just being cheap
  • Oh @Leeds_Addick you should 100% play Ghost of Tsushima, finished it about 3 weeks ago and its probably my favourite game of the year
  • Finished God of War yesterday, would probably say it's the most enjoyable game I've played. Gonna spend a bit of time doing side missions before moving on to something else from the PS Plus Collection - can't decide on what yet though.

    Just smashed through Spiderman: Miles Morales - Good game but not a patch on the first game, £50 was a lot for what felt like DLC to be honest.

    Got Demon Souls to smash through before Christmas and then Cyberpunk. Hopefully by the time I play it the first big patch will have come to fix the most pressing issues
    Have you played a souls game before? I like the idea of giving Demon Souls a go but I don't wanna spend so much on something I might give up on within the hour.

    The Valkyries were a good post-game side mission that were pretty difficult too. Took me ages to do the final boss. It adds even more lore to the characters/story as well.

    The challenges in the mist/fire world were good but the mist world was a real fucking pain in the arse so I didn't finish that one. 
  • If you're a PC or Switch player then Hades is fantastic. It's only about £20 as well
  • edited December 2020
    For those interested in this kind of thing, this shop had randomly popped up on a non-High St, non-footfall small parade in Sidcup and opened today. Bizarre 
    has sidcup got a hidden amount of weeaboos?
  • Oh @Leeds_Addick you should 100% play Ghost of Tsushima, finished it about 3 weeks ago and its probably my favourite game of the year
    Great shout, I'd forgotten about it since I posted a few days ago. Think I'll download it over the weekend.

    Finished God of War yesterday, would probably say it's the most enjoyable game I've played. Gonna spend a bit of time doing side missions before moving on to something else from the PS Plus Collection - can't decide on what yet though.

    Just smashed through Spiderman: Miles Morales - Good game but not a patch on the first game, £50 was a lot for what felt like DLC to be honest.

    Got Demon Souls to smash through before Christmas and then Cyberpunk. Hopefully by the time I play it the first big patch will have come to fix the most pressing issues
    Have you played a souls game before? I like the idea of giving Demon Souls a go but I don't wanna spend so much on something I might give up on within the hour.

    The Valkyries were a good post-game side mission that were pretty difficult too. Took me ages to do the final boss. It adds even more lore to the characters/story as well.

    The challenges in the mist/fire world were good but the mist world was a real fucking pain in the arse so I didn't finish that one. 
    I wanted to have a go at one of the Valkryries when they were introduced in that icey bit but was too tied to the main story that I wanted to carry on and find out what happened. That's the first thing I'll start when I get on later.

    Haven't tried any of the side stuff at all yet so feel like I should've done some of it (and got better armour etc.) before finishing the story. The final cut scenes looked a bit stupid with Kratos wearing full snake skin armour.
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  • Oh @Leeds_Addick you should 100% play Ghost of Tsushima, finished it about 3 weeks ago and its probably my favourite game of the year
    Great shout, I'd forgotten about it since I posted a few days ago. Think I'll download it over the weekend.

    Finished God of War yesterday, would probably say it's the most enjoyable game I've played. Gonna spend a bit of time doing side missions before moving on to something else from the PS Plus Collection - can't decide on what yet though.

    Just smashed through Spiderman: Miles Morales - Good game but not a patch on the first game, £50 was a lot for what felt like DLC to be honest.

    Got Demon Souls to smash through before Christmas and then Cyberpunk. Hopefully by the time I play it the first big patch will have come to fix the most pressing issues
    Have you played a souls game before? I like the idea of giving Demon Souls a go but I don't wanna spend so much on something I might give up on within the hour.

    The Valkyries were a good post-game side mission that were pretty difficult too. Took me ages to do the final boss. It adds even more lore to the characters/story as well.

    The challenges in the mist/fire world were good but the mist world was a real fucking pain in the arse so I didn't finish that one. 
    I wanted to have a go at one of the Valkryries when they were introduced in that icey bit but was too tied to the main story that I wanted to carry on and find out what happened. That's the first thing I'll start when I get on later.

    Haven't tried any of the side stuff at all yet so feel like I should've done some of it (and got better armour etc.) before finishing the story. The final cut scenes looked a bit stupid with Kratos wearing full snake skin armour.
    You'll definitely need decent armour for the Valkyries, start with the valkyries in Midgard then start branching out to the ones in other worlds. You're probably best grinding through some of the other side missions before even attempting them tho as even the 'normal' ones are difficult even when kitted out. It tested my patience at time I'm not gunna lie but thought it was well worth it
  • cafcpolo said:
    Whatever happened to the days where you could entice and then rob a hooker by running her over?
    Oh u can do that, but the one i robbed the ither day only had $14 on her 🤣🤣

    Hardly worth it lol.

    And the language when she is doing her business on line is so much worse than it the actual game lol
    I can’t b bothered with the gun running , it’s a good payout but in terms of income per hour , it’s vehicle/cargo supplies cocaine all day long.

    So does cocaine get you alot of money @Spitfire76 if so I may give that a try, to build it up a bit.

    Also with the repo jobs for Simeon is that something you can do as a single player, as I tried one a week ago when I first started online, and It needed like 3 other players lol
    Yeah Simeon u need 4 , the cocaine is the best of all the biker businesses but be careful to sell when u have 150-200k in coke to sell as without the oppressor you won’t have time to deliver it as it can give u 4 vehicles to drop from and it takes time to keep getting back to base.
    I would go for that as the resupply is free and hold off on the upgrades & other stuff  till u have enough for a vehicle warehouse.

  • cafcpolo said:
    Whatever happened to the days where you could entice and then rob a hooker by running her over?
    Oh u can do that, but the one i robbed the ither day only had $14 on her 🤣🤣

    Hardly worth it lol.

    And the language when she is doing her business on line is so much worse than it the actual game lol
    I can’t b bothered with the gun running , it’s a good payout but in terms of income per hour , it’s vehicle/cargo supplies cocaine all day long.

    So does cocaine get you alot of money @Spitfire76 if so I may give that a try, to build it up a bit.

    Also with the repo jobs for Simeon is that something you can do as a single player, as I tried one a week ago when I first started online, and It needed like 3 other players lol
    Also worth a mention is the gta weekly offers , they change every Thursday 10am & last for 7 days , a whole list that includes businesses at 40% off minimum & up to 70% off , this week it’s aircraft hangers but it’s well worth saving untill the one you want comes up it will only ever be a couple of weeks away.
  • cafcpolo said:
    Whatever happened to the days where you could entice and then rob a hooker by running her over?
    Oh u can do that, but the one i robbed the ither day only had $14 on her 🤣🤣

    Hardly worth it lol.

    And the language when she is doing her business on line is so much worse than it the actual game lol
    I can’t b bothered with the gun running , it’s a good payout but in terms of income per hour , it’s vehicle/cargo supplies cocaine all day long.

    So does cocaine get you alot of money @Spitfire76 if so I may give that a try, to build it up a bit.

    Also with the repo jobs for Simeon is that something you can do as a single player, as I tried one a week ago when I first started online, and It needed like 3 other players lol
    Yeah Simeon u need 4 , the cocaine is the best of all the biker businesses but be careful to sell when u have 150-200k in coke to sell as without the oppressor you won’t have time to deliver it as it can give u 4 vehicles to drop from and it takes time to keep getting back to base.
    I would go for that as the resupply is free and hold off on the upgrades & other stuff  till u have enough for a vehicle warehouse.

    Ok will do that cheers
  • Cheapest Cocaine factory is 900k which is literally all my money, but if you say its worth it @Spitfire76 I will trust you
  • Loving the PS4 update that allows you to mute all the other pricks mics, what a dream...
    Disappointed I then spunked $2.2m on a submarine but ho hum
  • Well worth it , always steal supplies not buy them & sell at 150-200k & u will have ur cash back this time next week just always keep it topped up with supplies, then straight onto the vehicle warehouse.

    Just saw they cancelled the aircraft hanger sale this week because of the new map, I’ve never bothered with one , too much flying does me in as I only play through a VR headset!
  • Right Cocaine factory up and running and I also restarted my counterfit cash factory as well.

    So I now have
    Galaxy(my nightclub)

    SAMCRO(yes I know its a lazy name for a motorbike club, but I literally couldn't think of anything else lol) have:

    Counterfit Cash

    Down to $50,000 now so hopefully I start making it back up.

  • I see PS have removed Cyberpunk from their store and are offering refunds.

    Was it really that bad 

  • I see PS have removed Cyberpunk from their store and are offering refunds.

    Was it really that bad 

    Just read that , apparently it’s unplayable on older consoles but ok on the new generation, guess that’s going to happen now unless they dumb them down to PS4 level or choose which console they want to release on , with such a jump up in tech it’s hard to see how they can make a one size fits all game.

    Never let that coke factory run dry & even do a resupply just before selling so they are still working while your out doing delivery, the upgrades are good they work a lot faster , you get higher value coke but if your in lobby’s on your own I wouldn’t buy the security upgrade , it reduces other players chances of robbing you but it doesn’t stop the cops busting you, I have the upgrade & have been raided twice with 500k in stock & it’s a real ball ache to resolve.
    I still wouldn’t upgrade till u got the vehicle/cargo warehouses as once u have those two & your coke factory u will soon have more money than u know what to do with & wait for the weekly offers , I’ve not brought a full price building or item yet.
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  • Right Cocaine factory up and running and I also restarted my counterfit cash factory as well. 

    If CL Towers gets 6am raided due to this poxy thread I’m telling you now Pauline. I will not be amused...
    Because you dont want to be woken at 6am or because you dont want the police finding your own stash? ;)
  • cafcpolo said:
    Whatever happened to the days where you could entice and then rob a hooker by running her over?
    Thought I'd wandered onto Millwall life for a second. 
  • Early days but I am liking your idea @Spitfire76

    1 load in and made $60k from the cocaine + $40k from the counterfit cash plus what i made from the warehouse sales of my club i am already back to $170k 
  • Early days but I am liking your idea @Spitfire76

    1 load in and made $60k from the cocaine + $40k from the counterfit cash plus what i made from the warehouse sales of my club i am already back to $170k 
    Cool , the more coke/cargo/counterfeit cash you have the better price you get for them so it’s worth letting them build up to 150k or so before selling but obviously the bigger the reward the bigger the risk if it goes tits up , I’ve been fuming before losing a million pound drop because I glanced at my phone while flying or driving & losing the lot.
  • edited December 2020
    I see PS have removed Cyberpunk from their store and are offering refunds.

    Was it really that bad 

    Just read that , apparently it’s unplayable on older consoles but ok on the new generation, guess that’s going to happen now unless they dumb them down to PS4 level or choose which console they want to release on , with such a jump up in tech it’s hard to see how they can make a one size fits all game.
    It's not unplayable. I'm 32 hours in on Xbox one (the least powerful of the two major last gen consoles)

    It's running at about 720p and crashes maybe once every 5-6 hrs. 

    So sure it could look a lot better, the worst bit is the slow rendering but it's not game breaking for me at least.

    I can only assume the PS4 is somehow worse?
  • Dazzler21 said:
    I see PS have removed Cyberpunk from their store and are offering refunds.

    Was it really that bad 

    Just read that , apparently it’s unplayable on older consoles but ok on the new generation, guess that’s going to happen now unless they dumb them down to PS4 level or choose which console they want to release on , with such a jump up in tech it’s hard to see how they can make a one size fits all game.
    It's not unplayable. I'm 32 hours in on Xbox one (the least powerful of the two major last gen consoles)

    It's running at about 720p and crashes maybe once every 5-6 hrs. 

    So sure it could look a lot better, the worst bit is the slow rendering but it's not game breaking for me at least.

    I can only assume the PS4 is somehow worse?
    Must admit I only looked at PS4 nightmares on YouTube but it looked hideous , it just doesn’t compare to the ps5 version & I’m not surprised both Sony & Microsoft are giving full refunds.

    Kinda feel sorry for the developers as this is a major fuckup that they may not come back from, after so many years of development its amazing it got released in that state , once they realised they would have been better off letting old console owners down & just releasing the next gen version & old gen in jan/feb when the patch is ready.

    They have lost the buzz of the release day sales & I doubt those that are getting refunds will repurchase next year, someone got a bit greedy & was desperate for the Xmas sales so pushed it out too early.
  • I think the biggest issue is the fact CDPR knew it was bad on last gen hardware, refused to give out console codes for reviewers and only allowed pc gameplay footage from themselves to be shown in reviews, plus it was supposed to be released in April so only playable on last gen hardware.

    I also feel for the developers as they will 100% of been saying it's not ready to release on older hardware but the share holders will have said release it anyway.

    I'm tempted to buy it today, download it to my hard drive and then get a refund as I assume it's playable offline?
  • Dazzler21 said:
    I see PS have removed Cyberpunk from their store and are offering refunds.

    Was it really that bad 

    Just read that , apparently it’s unplayable on older consoles but ok on the new generation, guess that’s going to happen now unless they dumb them down to PS4 level or choose which console they want to release on , with such a jump up in tech it’s hard to see how they can make a one size fits all game.
    It's not unplayable. I'm 32 hours in on Xbox one (the least powerful of the two major last gen consoles)

    It's running at about 720p and crashes maybe once every 5-6 hrs. 

    So sure it could look a lot better, the worst bit is the slow rendering but it's not game breaking for me at least.

    I can only assume the PS4 is somehow worse?
    Must admit I only looked at PS4 nightmares on YouTube but it looked hideous , it just doesn’t compare to the ps5 version & I’m not surprised both Sony & Microsoft are giving full refunds.

    Kinda feel sorry for the developers as this is a major fuckup that they may not come back from, after so many years of development its amazing it got released in that state , once they realised they would have been better off letting old console owners down & just releasing the next gen version & old gen in jan/feb when the patch is ready.

    They have lost the buzz of the release day sales & I doubt those that are getting refunds will repurchase next year, someone got a bit greedy & was desperate for the Xmas sales so pushed it out too early.
    CDPR didn't care about meeting the Christmas sales, the bigger issue was they couldn't risk anymore delays. 

    Personally think they should have released it to pre-ordered customers as a beta to enable heavy testing and bug reporting then aim to patch and release in time for February.

    Either way it's got a great story, enjoyable game play and I can't wait to play the upgrade version next year.
  • First immersion breaking bug - 36ish hrs in...

    Something off with my car.

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