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Everyday things you have never done



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    someone picks three men or three women (depending on gender and preferences) and the others have to say which they would bed - ie have a one off shag with, which they would wed - long term relationship - and which they would chuck off a cliff eg dead.

    So for the ladies/gay men it might be Curbs, Dowie, Sven and for the gents/lesbians it might be Edmina Currie, Cherrie Blair and Teresa May. After a few drinks the choices and the reasons for wedding, bedding or deading get wilder.
    One rule. Can't include anyone around the table (or on this list in this case)
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    i was goign to say... could be incredibly hurtful if was the present company. not sayng that every man in the room would want to chuck me off a cliff but im sure there are a few...
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    lied about my age.

    I'm 23 - and proud of it.
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    well, teresa may would be off the cliff ...

    I have never taken illegal non-cannaboid drugs or shown the slightest interest in golf.
    I believe the two are related.
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    Means you have to stay in the pub all evening just in case they put you when you've left. That was my excuse anyway.

    And if anyone said that about you we'd send health hero and ketman to kick away their white sticks and sort them out.

    For me it would be Bed Theresa, Wed Edwina and dead Cherrie.
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    Who is Theresa May ?

    Stop laughing you lot.... I am serious, never heard the name before!
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    she is a tory mp who likes tiger print shoes.
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    [cite] suzisausage:[/cite]this is a drinking game i'm sure of it

    yep, the game is called "I have never" and people take turns to stand up and say "i have never....done so and so", for example "i have never thrown up over myself". everyone in the group who has ever thrown up over themselves then has to stand up and admit their guilt and accept the humiliation of it all.

    the object of the game is to obviously announce an "i have never" which does not apply to you and which embarrasses your friends the most, so if you know particularly juicy secrets about your friends that others in the group may not know then its a good time to air them.

    you have to suffer a forfeit (e.g. a shot of sambuca/tequila) if you announce an "i have never" where nobody stands up or everybody stands up except you.

    this game gets very rowdy/fruity/perverted after several beers......
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    Cheers Curb_It, thanks for bringing her into my life, notice that Henry is the only one 'Man' enough to answer this one as everyone else refuses to put down on paper they would hump or marry any of them!
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    to be honest, i'd rather jump off the cliff...
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    since you insist ... bed edwina, wed cherrie, dead teresa
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    One for the girls/gays on this board:

    Michael Heseltine
    John Prescott
    Paddy Ashdown

    Pick the bones out of that lot..............
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    bed prescott - bleurgh.
    wed - paddy
    dead - Hezza
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    actually i think i might swap prescott to dead and hezza to a quick one off.
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    I must admit I raised an eyebrow at your original choice. If I was a bird it would be:

    Bed - Pantsdown
    Wed - Tarzan
    Dead - Two jags.
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    is that work friendly before anyone opens ?
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    edited October 2006
    not unles you work in a liberal atmosphere.
    there was a page 3 bird called teresa may. nothing worse than that
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    Page 3? More like 'Readers Wives'
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    Never been out of work
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    Realised that up until about 30 minutes ago I had never sliced, peeled and pitted an Avocado
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    I've never posted on an internet forum
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    I've never watched Titanic
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    Never been on a plane.
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    Never been to see a musical at the theatre (nor do I want to).
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    Never watched a Star Wars or Harry Potter movie (nor do I want to).
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    Never tried smoking.
    Never been to a gym (no comments from you BR7 Addick)
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    I have never played wed bed dead.
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    misplaced a pass

    told a lie ;)
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