So, Sadiq Khan has won the race to be the Labour candidate for Mayor.
This is IMO a great result.
He seems to have the most integrity, and I like his honest background. Son of a bus driver, lived in Tooting all his life, his kids even went to the same school he attended.
Seems to be putting affordable housing as a priority, and leans towards private rented sector as a possible solution.
What does anyone think?
A solid choice I think. He's a Liverpool fan just like at least a third of London seems to be.
Not a bad candidate. The Mayor of London has to have a certain amount of independence from their party. Ken originally was an independent candidate, Boris has been a bit of a maverick in the Tory party, Sadiq needs to show the same independence of mind.
Only kidding.
Then again Khan can't exactly play the expenses card.
It's such a small point as well. The Labour council election leaflets I received through the post had the MP candidate's face and name on them and referred to the national election in them as well.
I disagree with this. Zac Goldsmith was embarrassed by his ability to throw money around which helped him get elected in 2010. His excuse regarding electric tricycles (for those who watched it through) was a particularly poor effort to muddy the waters, after what looked to me like an attempt to subvert the interview with Jon Snow from the beginning to avoid the main issue.
I wonder why you say Jon Snow was 'intentional', he gets to interview loads of diverse people on all sorts of things, and has done for many years, Zac Goldsmith is an unremarkable guest, and to me the intent was to deal with the issue (election spending) at hand.
Zac Goldsmith has been an MP for just over five years, and now he wants to run London as Mayor. Doesn't look like a very long political track record, but it does look like a thirst for power for a man in a hurry, to presume to run for Mayor right now.
The comments under the video are what they are, and what we say here is what it is, but the video speaks for itself.
Speaking to me, I interpret Zac Goldsmith as a man hungry for power, he wants it all he wants it now, and he is rich enough to pay for every tweak to be in his favour, even if it crosses the line. To him it's only money seeing as how he is worth a couple of hundred million I believe. As an Old Etonian perhaps he is being advised by his widely diverse group of chums.
Hang on, we might need the Argument Alert bingo card, Eton has already been mentioned. Should be judge any of the mayoral candidates on the basis of decisions their parents made before the candidates were old enough to drive?
Not exactly innocent of any wrongdoing, we're not dealing with Ghandi here. If Khan broke the rules then he should be censured too, but I don't agree with your apparent premises that Jon Snow and Channel 4 news is deliberately anti Goldsmith and pro Khan.
Certainly I mentioned Eton, why not? It is another example of how (not) diverse the top of the Conservative party seems to be, to me and to others. You can bet your bottom dollar that if Zac Goldsmith had gone to Deptford Green we would all know about it.
Goldsmith and Liz Kendall remind me of each other, both nakedly lusting for power.
Don't you think it is a bit silly of you to mention this matter as one for 'argument bingo' when my points and tone are far removed from being argumentative?
''He said that as Mayor he would reduce the cost of bus fares and aim to change the way ticketing for buses works, so that a single journey ticket is valid for a full hour – even if a passenger changes buses.
Khan explained that the reasoning behind this announcement:
“Londoners have been led up the garden path in recent years when it came to fares – They’ve been promised no rise only to find that their fares have gone up. I want to be crystal clear – no ifs, no buts – what you’ll pay if I’m elected Mayor in May 2016 is what you’ll pay at the end of my 4 years in office.”
“The findings of this Guardian investigation are shocking,” Khan said. “You can’t take short cuts with Londoners safety. I’m putting private-hire companies like Uber on notice; if I’m elected as mayor it will be one strike and you’re out – even if just one of your drivers is found not have gone through the right checks or not to hold legitimate documentation – then your licence to operate in the capital will be suspended instantly.”
Genuinely hope and believe he will win.