I am pleased to announce that there has been sufficient demand for me to have a print run done of my A4 landscape book (128 pages, 123 pix) and the softback book is now available from me for £23.50 including Post & Packing either online if you have PayPal on
http://www.youralbumonline.co.uk/sbridge.htm or by post with a cheque to Steve Bridge, 12 Forest Close, Waltham Chase, Southampton, SO32 2NB. In a new feature interested fans can check out all the pictures in the book on the website link above so the book can be previewed and prints purchased if desired. Any queries please e-mail me on bridge.s@talk21.com
After the success of the Limited Edition Hardback, orders for which closed in early October and which all orders were posted out last week, I believe the book to be great value (I would say that!) - and a great gift for Christmas.
Buy it.
My husband has got a great wife!
Brilliant !! This book cannot fail to delight and inspire - it truly deserves the widest possible readership.
For the weary Addick simply a wonderful oasis.
Happy Xmas to me :-)