Not a moan, but a description.
I was asked to get two adult tickets for the Wolves game next Monday, so knowing that the ticket office was closed on a Thursday afternoon, and thinking that I'd heard that it also closes Wednesday afternoon, I thought I would travel there this morning to get the two tickets.
When I arrived in the car park I saw the shutters were down, and thought that maybe they were about to open, I also thought maybe the place was closed for the staff Christmas party, it was quiet round and about.
I went to the main entrance, and there was a quite young man sitting in reception and I explained that I'd come to buy tickets.
He said the shutters are down, it doesn't open Wednesday, they've moved upstairs. For a brief moment I thought he was directing me to go upstairs, but that didn't seem to be the case. I asked 'what, I should just go?'. He said 'you can phone'. I stepped outside to get the number which was written above the shuttered windows and tried on my mobile phone, after the intro I selected option 6, but it wasn't answered, or even connected.
I went back inside and said to the young man it wasn't answering. After enquiring what number I had tried, he then kindly used the phone at the reception desk to call the ticket office, which is indeed 'upstairs'. The very pleasant lady then processed my purchase over the phone and brought them down to me. The cost was £52, no card charge applied which I suppose was a nice thing too. By this time another supporter had arrived in reception for the same reason as me.
When I spoke to the young lady she said they close on Wednesdays and Thursdays, but open the shutters Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays, and though they had moved upstairs, somebody sits at the window on those days.
I said it all seems to make it difficult and she suggested using the phone, but also added we have been told to move upstairs and we have to do what we're told. Which in the context of our conversation a completely reasonable thing to say. She was very nice, and overall I ended up being looked after and left with the two tickets as the bloke behind me began his similar quest.
Just goes to show how farcical the situation is down there and how out of touch the CEO is with her customers.
Were programmes available for purchase?
Kids been naughty this year seth ?
If I'd turned up to see empty shutters iid have gone away. And I wouldn't have come back or phoned. Even monopoly suppliers can't afford to make it difficult for their customers.
I also wonder how a cash purchaser would manage. I suppose they would have to risk queuing up as a walk up on matchdays, which has implications anyway, or be obliged to visit the ticket office only on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.
Now with the ticket office upstairs, bur somebody at the window three days a week, presumably taking calls if window trade is slow, what is to stop somebody being at the window five days a week?
Would it really cost money? I mean is one extra person employed three days a week to simply be the window bod?
The last VOTV claimed that the old ticket office space may be being leased out.
It seems a male caller dialled 999 from a mobile phone stating, “I am depressed and lying here on a railway track. I am waiting for the train to come so I can finally meet my maker.”
“Remain calm and stay on the line” was not considered to be an appropriate or correct response.
Doctor: We run an encounter group for people like you every other Saturday. Just pop along at 3pm and you can meet lots of other sufferers. I'd sell you a ticket, but I can't at the moment. It is a Wednesday, you know.
So the ticket office ought to have been open. I arrived at about 10.40, so maybe I was there at the wrong time, but on the face of it I ought to have been able to make a straightforward cash purchase at the window today, which as I have reported above didn't happen.
Wednesday's normal working hours are 9am-1pm (phone lines only). So the shutters were shut as planned and advertised.
Fortunately he went back again on Friday. Club could have lost these ticket sales.