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Richard Murray 2014. Katrien Meire 2015.

Not sure if this has already been posted elsewhere:


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    Now that is worth sending to the media.
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    edited January 2016
    One of those situations that would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.

    One thing that's been bothering me about RM:
    @Airman Brown reported that, when he spoke to him, RM said that he supported the current owners and their strategy. What I'd like to know is what RM is hoping will happen as a result of this strategy?
    Does he envisage Charlton regrouping and making a charge for the Premier League?
    Does he envisage the football bubble bursting and Charlton being the only club to have cut its costs effectively?
    Does he expect the club to simply become stable at championship (or league 1) level and eventually start turning a profit under this strategy?
    I simply can't think of anything else and these suggestions seem so incredibly optimistic and risky as to be utter non-starters. I just don't understand it because I can't see any realistic reason for him to back the plans unless he expects to see success off the back of them - but I can't see any reason that he would expect any success to come.
    Is it possible that he could have a reason to feel that Charlton's demise is no longer relevant to his personal ambitions, or even that it would be beneficial to him? Or does he genuinely believe the current shenanigans will help us in the long term and, if so, why?
    This is what I'd like to hear RM answer.

    (Edit: by the way, the reason I'm focusing on RM here is that as far as RD and KM are concerned, I don't think they have any interest in the club and you might as well talk to a brick wall - I keep thinking of that storyline in "Striker" back in the eighties when the chairman deliberately tried to run Warbury into the ground in order to make a profit from selling the ground, or something. I'm pretty convinced that these two couldn't give a toss about the football.
    RM, on the other hand, has history with the club - that's why this seems important to me.)
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    they both say the same thing though. that we will sell our best young players. RM goes on to say we will sell for the best price and maximize them, KM says they will go to the PL, of all the things said, this seems the most consistent to be fair.
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    One of those situations that would be funny if it wasn't so tragic.

    One thing that's been bothering me about RM:
    @Airman Brown reported that, when he spoke to him, RM said that he supported the current owners and their strategy. What I'd like to know is what RM is hoping will happen as a result of this strategy?
    Does he envisage Charlton regrouping and making a charge for the Premier League?
    Does he envisage the football bubble bursting and Charlton being the only club to have cut its costs effectively?
    Does he expect the club to simply become stable at championship (or league 1) level and eventually start turning a profit under this strategy?
    I simply can't think of anything else and these suggestions seem so incredibly optimistic and risky as to be utter non-starters. I just don't understand it because I can't see any realistic reason for him to back the plans unless he expects to see success off the back of them - but I can't see any reason that he would expect any success to come.
    Is it possible that he could have a reason to feel that Charlton's demise is no longer relevant to his personal ambitions, or even that it would be beneficial to him? Or does he genuinely believe the current shenanigans will help us in the long term and, if so, why?
    This is what I'd like to hear RM answer.

    (Edit: by the way, the reason I'm focusing on RM here is that as far as RD and KM are concerned, I don't think they have any interest in the club and you might as well talk to a brick wall - I keep thinking of that storyline in "Striker" back in the eighties when the chairman deliberately tried to run Warbury into the ground in order to make a profit from selling the ground, or something. I'm pretty convinced that these two couldn't give a toss about the football.
    RM, on the other hand, has history with the club - that's why this seems important to me.)

    Murray's public stance is mystifying.

    Before his chat with Everitt I was certain in an empty room with Murray he would tell me he's gutted by all that has gone on.

    I do not think he is being honest with the fans or himself.
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    Murray's public stance is mystifying.

    Couldn't agree with this more.
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    they both say the same thing though. that we will sell our best young players. RM goes on to say we will sell for the best price and maximize them, KM says they will go to the PL, of all the things said, this seems the most consistent to be fair.

    Let's see who goes in January!
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    they both say the same thing though. that we will sell our best young players. RM goes on to say we will sell for the best price and maximize them, KM says they will go to the PL, of all the things said, this seems the most consistent to be fair.

    I think there is a difference. At the time RM explained under RD we would no longer sell them so early and so cheaply, as we did with Shelvey for example. He was sold as the club needed the money. At the time I'm sure it was also said that RD meant we had an owner that could cover any losses, the club would now be financially secure.

    KM presented it as the clubs vision. Come and watch future Premier League stars before we sell them on. She's suggesting the plan is for that to regularly happen. Not just when players outgrow the club, but how she sees the future of the club.

    So far they've only sold Gomez (I don't think we can blame them for Poyet) and he has since shown he was ready to play for a big Premier League club. I didn't want to see him go but I could understand it, it's not as if he went to play u21 football or been sent out on loan.

    If Lookman is sold this month there's no way that he'd have reached his potential with us, or been sold for his maximum value. Regardless of the teams performance if he stays here for the rest of the season and regularly scores goals he'll be worth more in the summer.
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    Murray's public stance is mystifying.

    Couldn't agree with this more.
    SCP didn't look comfortable with what was being said.
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    Murray's public stance is mystifying.

    Couldn't agree with this more.
    SCP didn't look comfortable with what was being said.
    I was referencing Elfsborg's description of Murray's stance. Not sure why you quoted me here, I wasn't talking about Powell.
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    "Nevertheless they've proved to be the right decision every time.." KM

    Powell - sacked 11 March 2014 - League position - 24th
    Riga - contract terminated 27 May 2014 - League position - 18th
    Peeters - sacked 11 January 2015 - League position - 14th
    Luzon - sacked 24 October 2015 - League position - 22nd
    Fraeye -as at 1 January 2016 - League position 23rd
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    I don't know who the real w@nker is here now.

    Give me a lol or 2 but these vids kind of suggest RD has been told everything is Rosey and KM is the main true f*ck up here.

    Like she sacks the managers or gets them sacked and handles the budget etc. RD maybe just put too much faith in an idiot. He is funding the club but doesn't want see what's happening with his own eyes. That's the problem.

    We may just have a complete manipulative persuasive narccasstic bitch on our hands. If RD and Varney actually had this f*cking meeting things might be worked out on both sides.
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    Murray came in for flak during the post-match protest today, and loudly. That's about the first time he's been openly targeted isn't it?
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    Ah Richard. You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.
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