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Articles in the Belgian press

Two found today and posted by others in other threads today;étruit_leur_club

We also have had previous coverage in Nieuwsblad- which is one of top two by circulation in Belgium and lowlands- all linked from second link above, and including this on 1st December;


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    edited January 2016
    Have tried tweeting a couple of good Belgian journalists/sites - not coming up as links, but gone to Sven Claes and the BeNeFoot site.

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    Can a big banner be made of the above cartoon?
    i'd happily donate towards cost.
    Something that we could all pass around over our heads , say, in North stand a la the Killer banner we had some years ago.

    Doubt it would be let inside the ground , however would be great outside with crowds like today's
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    Nicholas said:

    This is from a Standard Liege fan on one of their forum in response to a Charlton fans question asking how they got Roland out

    Hello Dear Friends of Charlton, for the gravedigger parte he had alot of action, first big events with more than 5,000 fans, fans surprise visit in his office, stopped game field invasion and honorary tribune Vanishing Duchatelet, singing all the matches against him. For after that it calmed down as several fans punished stadium ban. And then finally when he has emptied the coffers of the club, but legally it must be said, he finally sold our club our new president who must all over again, but we are finally happy relieved. .Now I do not know whether its actions against him that we make from or if it's the fact that he had nothing more to it financièrement.Bon won luck to you, he will eventually leave, this type na no place in football.

    How the **** did this man pass the FA's 'fit and proper' person test??
    I tell you what, some of our lot moan about JB at our place, but Jesus Christ, I'd take him over some of the criminals out there supposedly 'running' some clubs any day of the week.
    All rivalries aside, this man should never be allowed to step foot in a football club on these shores again. Clearly running the club down so he can asset strip before ****ing off quids in. Criminal.
    I've no idea what RD is up to but I can't see asset stripping. Investing very heavily in Sparrows Lane. Not sure what to think to be honest.
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    Nicholas said:

    This is from a Standard Liege fan on one of their forum in response to a Charlton fans question asking how they got Roland out

    Hello Dear Friends of Charlton, for the gravedigger parte he had alot of action, first big events with more than 5,000 fans, fans surprise visit in his office, stopped game field invasion and honorary tribune Vanishing Duchatelet, singing all the matches against him. For after that it calmed down as several fans punished stadium ban. And then finally when he has emptied the coffers of the club, but legally it must be said, he finally sold our club our new president who must all over again, but we are finally happy relieved. .Now I do not know whether its actions against him that we make from or if it's the fact that he had nothing more to it financièrement.Bon won luck to you, he will eventually leave, this type na no place in football.

    How the **** did this man pass the FA's 'fit and proper' person test??
    I tell you what, some of our lot moan about JB at our place, but Jesus Christ, I'd take him over some of the criminals out there supposedly 'running' some clubs any day of the week.
    All rivalries aside, this man should never be allowed to step foot in a football club on these shores again. Clearly running the club down so he can asset strip before ****ing off quids in. Criminal.
    Because the test is basically only there to prevent criminals or people with a track record of financial irregularities from taking over clubs.
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    edited January 2016
    Financially 'fit' he may be, but it's not 'proper'. Makes you wonder what this test is and how it is applied.
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    Has there been any changes to Sparrows lane yet? if so what?
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    Nicholas said:

    This is from a Standard Liege fan on one of their forum in response to a Charlton fans question asking how they got Roland out

    Hello Dear Friends of Charlton, for the gravedigger parte he had alot of action, first big events with more than 5,000 fans, fans surprise visit in his office, stopped game field invasion and honorary tribune Vanishing Duchatelet, singing all the matches against him. For after that it calmed down as several fans punished stadium ban. And then finally when he has emptied the coffers of the club, but legally it must be said, he finally sold our club our new president who must all over again, but we are finally happy relieved. .Now I do not know whether its actions against him that we make from or if it's the fact that he had nothing more to it financièrement.Bon won luck to you, he will eventually leave, this type na no place in football.

    Where does that leave us then? What can we focus on that will actually cause damage to him?

    This is absolutely fucking dire; any good feeling from the protest is well and truly disappeared with reading that, the bastard simply wont care - just like Meire doesn't, nor does the Fraeye. Why Richard Murray is complicit in this whole shambles is beyond me.

    I left the ground knowing this was most likely going to be the first step of many, the first battle of many.. but this is still a smack in the face on what has otherwise been a nice evening.

    We've got to be real, this will most likely be his exit strategy here too - if we're even fortunate enough for him to have an exit strategy that is. It could be the bitter ramblings of spoilt fans who had been burnt before (i.e The Tony Watt saga) - but I place more faith in these words from other football fans than I would ever place in RD and his puppets.
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    Nicholas said:

    This is from a Standard Liege fan on one of their forum in response to a Charlton fans question asking how they got Roland out

    Hello Dear Friends of Charlton, for the gravedigger parte he had alot of action, first big events with more than 5,000 fans, fans surprise visit in his office, stopped game field invasion and honorary tribune Vanishing Duchatelet, singing all the matches against him. For after that it calmed down as several fans punished stadium ban. And then finally when he has emptied the coffers of the club, but legally it must be said, he finally sold our club our new president who must all over again, but we are finally happy relieved. .Now I do not know whether its actions against him that we make from or if it's the fact that he had nothing more to it financièrement.Bon won luck to you, he will eventually leave, this type na no place in football.

    How the **** did this man pass the FA's 'fit and proper' person test??
    I tell you what, some of our lot moan about JB at our place, but Jesus Christ, I'd take him over some of the criminals out there supposedly 'running' some clubs any day of the week.
    All rivalries aside, this man should never be allowed to step foot in a football club on these shores again. Clearly running the club down so he can asset strip before ****ing off quids in. Criminal.
    I've no idea what RD is up to but I can't see asset stripping. Investing very heavily in Sparrows Lane. Not sure what to think to be honest.
    Just out of interest, how much do we know about the financials of the training ground deal?

    Specifically with regards to:

    - Potential University of Greenwich funding: they will gain use of the premises, it's next to their Avery Hill campus and we have this shirt sponsership - are they linked?
    - Local council grants: Presumably there will be grants available for potential community use?

    I'm not saying that this is a hollow gesture by Roland which he's got for free - not at all - but I'm pondering whether Roland's contributions to the training ground improvements may not be as impressive as we think, and that there may be considerable support available which makes this good business sense?

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    Sad reading that.

    He had an office he used in leige but will never even be confronted by Charlton fans as we won't have that chance. Hes not been to a game for over a year. Complete dis-interest (i guess as he knew the football was gana be shit and not worthy from that point onwards) and why would he care about Belgian bad press now after he would have got full whack of that back home beforehand.

    He has a CEO that loves the attention and that loves the verbal war with fans. No real tears if there are any so no problem there.

    That fan from Belgium with his piece has put it into perspective.
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    Financially 'fit' he may be, but it's not 'proper'. Makes you wonder what this test is and how it is applied.

    It's not exactly a secret, but the criteria set out are very narrow.
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    RedChaser said:

    LuckyReds said:

    Nicholas said:

    This is from a Standard Liege fan on one of their forum in response to a Charlton fans question asking how they got Roland out

    Hello Dear Friends of Charlton, for the gravedigger parte he had alot of action, first big events with more than 5,000 fans, fans surprise visit in his office, stopped game field invasion and honorary tribune Vanishing Duchatelet, singing all the matches against him. For after that it calmed down as several fans punished stadium ban. And then finally when he has emptied the coffers of the club, but legally it must be said, he finally sold our club our new president who must all over again, but we are finally happy relieved. .Now I do not know whether its actions against him that we make from or if it's the fact that he had nothing more to it financièrement.Bon won luck to you, he will eventually leave, this type na no place in football.

    Where does that leave us then? What can we focus on that will actually cause damage to him?

    This is absolutely fucking dire; any good feeling from the protest is well and truly disappeared with reading that, the bastard simply wont care - just like Meire doesn't, nor does the Fraeye. Why Richard Murray is complicit in this whole shambles is beyond me.

    I left the ground knowing this was most likely going to be the first step of many, the first battle of many.. but this is still a smack in the face on what has otherwise been a nice evening.

    We've got to be real, this will most likely be his exit strategy here too - if we're even fortunate enough for him to have an exit strategy that is. It could be the bitter ramblings of spoilt fans who had been burnt before (i.e The Tony Watt saga) - but I place more faith in these words from other football fans than I would ever place in RD and his puppets.
    Stay upbeat mate if there is a quick resolution then so be it but if not then we're in for the long haul and there can be no let up in the protests, boycotts and whatever it takes in a legal manner. The momentum is with us which must be maintained.

    Today was just the start of a likely war of attrition rather than a one strike wipe out.
    Agreed, believe in this.
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    Nicholas said:

    This is from a Standard Liege fan on one of their forum in response to a Charlton fans question asking how they got Roland out

    Hello Dear Friends of Charlton, for the gravedigger parte he had alot of action, first big events with more than 5,000 fans, fans surprise visit in his office, stopped game field invasion and honorary tribune Vanishing Duchatelet, singing all the matches against him. For after that it calmed down as several fans punished stadium ban. And then finally when he has emptied the coffers of the club, but legally it must be said, he finally sold our club our new president who must all over again, but we are finally happy relieved. .Now I do not know whether its actions against him that we make from or if it's the fact that he had nothing more to it financièrement.Bon won luck to you, he will eventually leave, this type na no place in football.

    How the **** did this man pass the FA's 'fit and proper' person test??
    I tell you what, some of our lot moan about JB at our place, but Jesus Christ, I'd take him over some of the criminals out there supposedly 'running' some clubs any day of the week.
    All rivalries aside, this man should never be allowed to step foot in a football club on these shores again. Clearly running the club down so he can asset strip before ****ing off quids in. Criminal.
    I've no idea what RD is up to but I can't see asset stripping. Investing very heavily in Sparrows Lane. Not sure what to think to be honest.
    which means, he'll be quids in when he sells!
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    edited January 2016
    @LuckyReds Read Chicago Addick which should cheer you.

    Today's protest was an inspiration and reminder of what it means to be a Charlton Supporter.
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    Something I have just come across again.
    This also makes interesting reading and just a month away Roland first encountered 
    Charlton Athletic fans in his home town of 
    Sint Truiden .
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    Something I have just come across again.
    This also makes interesting reading and just a month away Roland first encountered 
    Charlton Athletic fans in his home town of 
    Sint Truiden .
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    Don’t panic @SoundAsa£ I was referring to when article was first written January 2016. In fact two of us had already had a look around Roland’s home town before that was written.
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    Don’t panic @SoundAsa£ I was referring to when article was first written January 2016. In fact two of us had already had a look around Roland’s home town before that was written.
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Roland Out Forever!